Mask for hair tips at home

Mask for hair tips at home

Your hair tips are constantly flying, look thin and neglected - do not hurry to run into the pharmacy for expensive capsules, shampoos and other advertised hair products. There are affordable, inexpensive and efficient ways to restore sequencing tips. This article presents several masks for hair tips, which you can prepare yourself and use at home.

Oil hair masks

Oil masks occupy the first place in the fight against the problem of sequential tips. Especially allocate a ray oil, which contributes to the closure of horny scales on the stratified tips, restoring damaged hair. Simultaneously with the burdock, you can use the following types of oils:

  • coconut;
  • linen;
  • almond;
  • olive;
  • jojoba oil.

To prepare a mask, you can use both one type of oil and a combination of 2 or more oils. If you want to combine a mask several oils, then combine them in equal proportions. For example, a dessert spoonful of coconut oil mix with a dessert spoon of linen or almond oil.

Algorithm of preparation and applying masks:

  • Pour the oil in a comfortable container.
  • Heat it, placing a container with butter into a bowl with hot water.
  • Try to launch the oil into the hair, ranging from the middle of the length to the tips.
  • Wrap your hair with any film or put on a cellophane hair cap.
  • Save hair warm, using a towel, and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Carefully clean the hair with water with a detergent.

Make oil masks before washing your head 2 times a week for 2-3 months - and you will see the result.

Honey hair mask

Honey is famous for a number of healing properties, compresses and masks based on it make hair strong, silky, help to cope with the problem of split tips.

Mask consists of two ingredients:

  • 2 dessert spoons of liquid natural honey;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Algorithm of preparation and applying masks:

  • Mix honey and egg yolk.
  • Equally distribute the mask on clean hair.
  • Put on your head with a hat.
  • Save hair warm, using a towel.
  • Carefully clean the hair with water with a detergent.

Egg yolk enhances the therapeutic properties of honey. The pigment contained in it moisturizes dry hair tips, contributing to their recovery. Make a mask 2-3 times a week over 3 months.

Colorless Henna Mask

The powder of a colorless henna has a positive effect on the hair of any type - they become silky, freely combed, acquire natural shine. Carotine and betaine, which are contained in Henna, restore damaged, brittle and secant hair. Henna is also useful for the scalp, it has an antibacterial effect and eliminates dandruff.

If you decide to use this recipe, then prepare the henu and a glass of boiled water.

Algorithm of preparation and applying masks:

  • Colorless henu pour into a comfortable bowl and fill with boiled water.
  • Mix well and leave it to the warm temperature.
  • Apply Cashitz on the scalp and distribute to the tips.
  • Keep your hair warm using a towel.
  • Do not wash off from 30 to 60 minutes, then thoroughly clean the hair with warm water with detergent.

Make this mask 2 times a week over 3 months.

Mask from kefir

Kefir are recommended to use with increased dryness and hair lubrication, to restore the split tips. It envelops the hair like a film, protecting from the harmful effect of the external environment. For optimal exposure to the sequencing tips kefir, it is better to use with coconut or burial oil in the following proportion - 3 dessert kefir spoons on 1 teaspoon of oil.

Algorithm of preparation and applying masks:

  • A glass of kefir warming up, dropping into a container with hot water.
  • Add coconut or refill oil and mix.
  • Apply a mask on the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair.
  • Put on the hat and insulate the towel.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and thoroughly clean the hair with warm water with detergent.

Apply this mask 2-3 times a week - and for a month, the hair will become more healthy and strong. In addition to the restoping effect on the hair, kefir has a clarifying effect. If you regularly paint your hair in a dark color, do not use this mask, as kefir is flushes coloring pigments, and the saturated color of your hair will quickly sweep. This mask is perfect for blondes, it will save hair from unwanted yellowness and make the color shining.

The preparation of any of the masks given in the article will not be for you effort, will not spend much time and does not require large cash investments. Everything is simple and accessible. The main thing is to follow the instructions, do not stop at 2-3 procedures, but to do a full course of 3 months. The result will definitely be, the tips of the hair will acquire a well-groomed look, will stop sneaking and break. To maintain a healthy hair type, it is recommended to make a selected mask at least once a week. Only in this case you will forever forget what secant tips.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 22/01/2020 at 16:57

After washing the head, I nano on wet hair tips Bathing Oils Horse Force. And the hair does not sequel, do not break, not dry


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