How to quickly grow hair at home

How to quickly grow hair at home

Not every girl boasts long and dense hair. For this reason, many of them resort to different ways of hair can. There are also salon procedures, but more popular use household methods. They are not only more efficient, but often more useful.

Why hair slowly grow

Before starting to grow hair, you need to find out the reasons for their slow growth.

  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and other harmful habits not only adversely affect the overall condition of the body, but also have an extremely negative impact on appearance. Some of the first are the hair: they are starting to grow slower and fall out.
  • Hormonal restructuring. The lack of a female hormone called Estrogen is extremely negatively affecting appearance, emotional state and health. If the amount of estrogen is normal, then the hair will be soft and silky.
  • Aging. Age slows down many processes in the body, which leads to the fallout and slower hair growth.
  • Hair damage. Chemical impact thinned hair, makes them more vulnerable and weak, so the hair can grow very slowly.

How to grow hair at home with masks


Homemade hair masks can restore damaged hair and speed up their growth. Due to its natural composition, they can eliminate hair liability, make them even more dense and long for the lowest time.

Mustard Mask

With the help of a mustard mask you can quickly grow hair without resorting to salon procedures. If you regularly do such a mask, then after 2-3 weeks you can see that the hair is noticeable industry.

For the preparation of masks, the following ingredients will be required:

  • Mustard powder 2 tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water 2 tbsp. l.
  • Yolk 1 pc.
  • Burdock or vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.

All ingredients need to mix thoroughly and apply a mixture on the hair. Then the hair needs to be closed with cellophane, and then bite them with a towel. I need to flush the mask in 20-30 minutes. The mustard mask can be allergic, so it should be pre-tested on a small area of \u200b\u200bhair.

Oil mask

Oil mask make hair even more silky and strong. Already after the first application, it can be noted that the condition of the hair has improved significantly. Regular use of oil mask helps to accelerate hair growth.

For the preparation of the mask, you can use olive, vegetable or burdow oil. It must be mixed with several drops of lemon juice and apply on the hair. Mask need to keep 20-30 minutes. You can also apply the oil itself and for a whole night. During this time, hair will absorb all useful substances, which is extremely favorable to affect their appearance. The amount of oil used depends on the length of the hair.

Regular hair combing to grow hair

During combing, all dying hair is removed. This contributes to the rapid appearance of new hair. Only regular and neat hair combing will lead to the fact that the hair will become even more dense and will grow faster.

Power to grow hair at home

The appearance of the hair depends on the state of health. The lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to fragility of hair, securing tips and their slow growth. In order to prevent or eliminate these problems, you need to include fruits, nuts, chicken eggs, meat and butter.

Massage to grow hair at home

Scalp massage accelerates blood circulation, which leads to an increase in hair. It needs to be performed with circular movements from top to bottom. Massage is recommended to do an hour before washing the head.

All these uncomplicated ways will allow you to quickly grow hair at home. Their sharing will make hair not only long, but also silky, shiny and healthy.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 23/11/2018 at 14:33

I also did my head massage, more masks are different. And Shampoo Horse Fors based on oat surfactants. He strengthens his hair and stimulates their growth.

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    Lyudmila 12/23/12 at 11:38.

    And I also buy Shampoo Horse Fors only with Collagen and Lanolin. It also has hair growth activators and it still transforms hair

    To answer
Anna 21/01/2020 at 17:43

And I helped melting mask horsepower. It is with pepper extract, hyaluronic acid and a bunch of useful ingredients

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