How to grow long hair

How to grow long hair

Well-groomed, healthy curls below the belt are attractive and feminine. Many girls dream to grow long hair in a short time. But, as a rule, the length of the hair increases not as fast as we wanted, about 1-2 cm per month. On the growth of curls, as well as on the condition and appearance of the hair, many factors affect: the way we eat, care for the hair, which means of care are using. Is it possible to affect their growth and how to quickly grow long hair?

Proper nutrition to grow long hair

One of the reasons why the hair slowly grows and looks not healthy enough: brittle, thin, dehydrated - incorrect and unbalanced nutrition. No expensive and effective means for improving hair growth will help repel luxury curls if the body does not receive the amount of vitamins and trace elements you need. So that the hair was beautiful, they need protein - building material, on which cell growth depends. Protein contain all milk, fermented dairy products, low-fat varieties of meat, fish, eggs. The body needs products containing the vitamins of the entire group B, as well as a and e, iron, magnesium, which are rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens. Special attention should be paid to the drinking regime and use as much water as possible, herbal teas are useful, decoctions, juices.

Vitamin complexes, shampoos and serum to grow long hair

Very effective for rapidly growing curls, as well as to provide them with power from the inside, have vitamin complexes, which are available in tablets, ampoules or shampoos and sprays. Vitamins contained in preparations and in hair care products are the main source of vitality, gloss and beautiful hair growth. Vitamin and mineral complexes are recommended to apply a course, which is calculated for 1-2 months. Among the famous brands can be allocated: Aleran, Merz, Perfectyl, Selencine, revoligne and others.

Massage and regular combing to grow long hair

Thanks to the massage of the scalp, which improves blood circulation, hair growth is enhanced. Therefore, before bedtime, it is recommended to massage the skin on the roots with light massaging movements every day. Daily combing in front of a bedding comb from a natural tree is also useful. From the quality of the combat, which we use every day for combing, the growth and health of strands depends. The function is calculated not only to lead the lap in order, clean it from dust and pollution, but also improve blood circulation in hair roots. To care for strands, choose high-quality wooden comb.

The most efficient natural masks to grow long hair

In the struggle for healthy, long and luxurious hair is very effective mask from natural products.

Mask with tincture of red peppers

Thanks to red peppers, it is possible to speed up hair growth several times, because it stimulates the growth of the hair, improves blood circulation and feeds follicles.

Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of trim pepper tincture (can be purchased in a pharmacy), 1 st. Supply of castor oil (warm), 1 st. Supply of your hair balm, liquid vitamins A and E, rosemary oil.

The most important thing when using this mask is caution. Mask should not get into the eyes! Apply a mask with a cotton disk on hair probes, rub and apply it over the entire length of strands. You can make a mask 2 or 3 times a week. Course from 2 to 3 months.

The mask with a tincture of red peppers really helps, but they should be applied regularly and not stop halfway to your dream to have chic and long hair, and follow these rules:

  • For intensive hair growth, make a mask 2-3 times a week before my head washing.
  • To strengthen the weak roots - apply 1 time per week.
  • To obtain an excellent result - apply a mask for 3 months.

Mustard Hair Growth Mask

This is one of the most popular masks, stimulating reinforced hair growth. Improving blood flow, mustard powder activates sleeping bulbs and awakens their growth. For its preparation you need to dissolve 2 tbsp. L mustard powder with boiling water in equal proportions, add to the mixture 2 hours of sugar, yolk and 2 tbsp. l oils (olive, sunflower). Before applying the mask, it is recommended to lubricate the tips of the hair with oil to protect them from cutting. The mask on the hair should be about 15 minutes, keep the mask under the cellophane, flush shampoo.

To grow luxurious long hair important systematic care for curls and patience. You should not wait for momentum results, but confidently go to your goal - to have a beautiful braid to the belt.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 03/23/2018 at 14:35

It seems to me that this is a problem almost every girl, how to grow long hair) especially after you ease them)) myself was in such a situation. Saw vitamins for hair growth, head massage made and soap head shampoo Horse force based on oat surfactants. Now the hair from the shoulder has grown to the blades

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    Pauline 12/23/12 at 11:48.

    And I like shampoo with collagen and Lanolin Horse Force. It also has hair growth activators, plus it restores her hair, gives them shine, smoothes

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Sasha 21/01/2020 at 17:45.

You can still use a horsepower mask. It stimulates hair growth and blood circulation of the scalp, nourishes the bulbs. And due to this hair grow faster

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