Blue clay from cellulite

Blue clay from cellulite

Incorrect irregular nutrition in combination with the lack of strong physical exertion made cellulite one of the most common problems among women. Blue clay is effectively fighting with unaesthetic tubercles on the skin. Since ancient times, it is known as a unique cosmetic, and to this day, clay remains one of the most affordable helpers in the fight against cellulite both in beauty salons and at home.

Effect from the use of blue clay

The secret of the healing effect of blue clay lies in its composition: clay contains many minerals and enzymes, especially valuable among which is silicon. It is he who is considered the most effective in combating cellulite. When applied to the skin, clay improves metabolic processes, removes excess moisture from the body, which is moistened with skin coverings, stimulates cell renewal, breaks fat sediments and derives harmful substances from the body. The skin is powered and saturated, and with regular use it becomes an elastic, elastic, with perfectly flat relief. There are many varieties of cosmetic clay, but the blue, there is precisely blue when applied to the skin, therefore, it is recommended to use this kind of clay to remove cellulite tubercles.

Wraps with blue clay

There are several ways to use blue clay when combating cellulite. The most common - clay wraps. This procedure is very popular in beauty salons, but it is no less effective at home. For the procedure, first prepare the skin: it must be swollen in hot water or sauna and clean up with a scrub. Then you can prepare clay: powder split in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply clay on problem areas and wrap their film or foil to obtain the sauna effect. Now you can relax 40-60 minutes, covered with a warm blanket, at this time the clay actively affects the skin. After the specified time, it can be washed with warm water and complete the procedure with a light massage using anti-cellulite cream. To obtain a sustainable result, clay wraps repeat 1-2 times a week for a month.

Massage with blue clay

No less efficient, but a slightly more laborious procedure is a massage with blue clay. The massage contributes to the rapid penetration of clay into the skin, significant improvements are visible after several sessions. For massage, clay is also bred to the consistency of sour cream, then you can add some cream, egg yolk or honey for additional skin nutrition. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin and massage of problem areas, use rubbing, patting and kneading. After 20 minutes, the massage can be finished with wraps (wrap the problematic places of the food film and leave for another 30 minutes). Then the clay is washed off with warm water under the shower. Massage requires more labor costs, but after several sessions, the skin is leveled, fat deposits are smoothed and melted in front of their eyes.

Cellulite Baths

The most pleasant anti-cellulite procedure with blue clay is a bath. Together with relaxation, it supports the skin, will strengthen the metabolism in the cellular level and gradually smoothes the relief, significantly reducing the fat layer. For the preparation of the bath, dial the water with a temperature of + 37-40 degrees and add 5-6 tablespoons of blue clay powder. Take a bath 2-3 times a week, courses for 2 months.

Blue clay - an efficient and affordable way to get rid of cellulite. In addition to the transformation of the appearance, it burns fat deposits and heals the whole organism. Easy procedures using clay allows them at home. Alternate wraps, massage and bath, and fast changes will not be unnoticed!

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