Vacuum Cellulite Banks

Vacuum Cellulite Banks

What methods do not use modern women to remove hate cellulite: massages, wraps, exercise, special salon procedures using low frequency currents. We will talk to you about vacuum banks, which, according to manufacturers, help, help to get rid of "orange peel".

What do vacuum banks look like

Banks are glass or plastic flasks with built-in rubber pear. During compressing the latter, air is removed from the bank. There are also banks with a special universal tip, which inserts the pumping syringe. In any case, the Bank due to the fact that the vacuum is formed in it, it is embedded to the body.

How do vacuum banks work

Being an analogue of ordinary medical cans, vacuum work almost the same way. During the tightening of the skin inside any bank, blood and lymphotok increase. It is believed that active blood flow contributes to the removal of local inflammations and pain - it is for this that are used medical banks. Banks are also massage, so-called vacuum, except retracting in the skin, are also moving around the body. This becomes possible due to the fact that some part of the air remains in a vacuum bank (the degree of vacuum is regulated with a pear or pumping syringe). As a result, such a bank, in addition to the heating of the skin, contributes to the mechanical splitting of fat deposits (cellulite). Simply put, the bank makes anti-cellulite massage. But if manual massage requires significant physical effort, then a massage with vacuum cans can make even an unprepared person. The more good these medical gadgets - they can be used by yourself, while manual massage usually makes a specially trained person.

How to make massage vaccum

Before self-massage, the body needs to spare well - you can take a bath or hot shower. Then the problem zone must be lubricated with any massage cream or oil and put the jar. How to do this is correct, written in the instructions, which is attached to each specific model of banks. Next, the bank must neatly move around the body, grabbing it clockwise (zigzag or circular motions). Due to active skin pulling into the banks, the first vacuum mass sessions may be painful. To avoid this, banks must not spill too much and make a massage no more than 4-5 minutes. When the body gets used to new sensations, time can be enlarged and pumping more air from the can.

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How often can Massage with banks

Vacuum massage is not recommended every day. To remove cellulite by banks followed in a day, and better - even two. In total, the course should consist of ten procedures. Repeated vacuum banks can be started to use six months later. The maximum time of vacuum massage on one problem zone is 15 minutes. Up to this time, it is necessary to get gradually, starting from five minutes, which is mentioned above.

What to combine massage with vacuum banks

Anti-cellulite massage by banks by itself will not give a good result, if not adhere to the following general rules:

  • moderate healthy nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • anti-cellulite body wraps;
  • positive mood.

What are more good vacuum banks

Vacuum banks, in addition to getting rid of cellulite, also contribute to skin order. The body becomes elastic, and the silhouette is tightened. Due to reinforced blood flow, the total metabolism is improved. This in turn prevents the formation of new foci of cellulite deposits and improves overall well-being.

Vacuum banks today you can buy everywhere and engage in massage yourself. For more competent work with them, you can visit the massage salon a couple of times and see how the banks on the body are correctly puts and drive. On vacuum banks will also tell the video presented.

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