Cellulite scrub: home recipes

Cellulite scrub: home recipes

Cellulite yet relatively recently reed natural sign femininity. Today same his declare war women, starting out with itself young age. Not surprising, what cosmetology industry quickly picked up such « enthusiasm» v fight per beautiful body and start release mass miracledrugs from « orange cork» on skin. We same offer to you more available and effective alternative factory anti-cellulite meansrecipes homemade scrabov against cellulite.

1) Action anti-cellulite scruba

Principle actions anti-cellulite scrubamechanical stimulation skin abrasive particles basics scruba (fruit bones, coffee, sugar., sOLYU.). V aspect occurs not only cleaning from mud and omantic cells, but and enharged circulation and metabolic processes v tabs, making skin more smooth and elastic. To receive maximum the effect from home scruba, apply his on washed, preheated, slightly moist body, rubbed 510 minutes. After procedures apply on problem places nutritious cream. Such scrabble conduct not more often 1 times v 3 day.

2) Anti-cellulite coffee scrub

Such coffee scrub counts one from most effective anti-cellulite homemade tools, therefore it has lots of recipes. Most simple from they:  mix 2 art.l.. natural coffee large grinding with thus same number gel for soul (better use gel with neutral odor). If add to coffee yogurt without additives (on 2 spoon coffee 6 spoon yogurt), with anti-cellulite effect can receive yet and smoothing action. Can combine coffee with honey v proportions 1:2, but rub such fragrant scrub necessary not smaller 15 minutes.

3) Home scrub against cellulite with sOLYU.

Not less effective maybe to be and regular trituration problem location solveov scrub. Here one from recipes: marine salt (5 spoon) and olive butter (1 spoon) mixwith cedre citrusov (lemon. or grapefruit) v notherom video. Enhance action salt anti-cellulite scruba can with help spices:  make mixture from nautical sololi. (3 art. l..), black ground pepper (1 art. l..) and corn (1 art. l..), stir her v vegetable oil (4 art. l..) and rubbed v skin. To make coffeesaline scrub, mix v equal quantities natural coffee and marine salt (on 3 art. l..) with oil olives (5 drops).

4) Scrub from cellulite on based sahara

V quality abrasive basics for home scruba can use also sugar. Only better take for of this granulated sugar from cane and mix his with floral oil (olive or anyone basic). For larger efficiency v scrub can add several drops etheric oil (grapefruit, lemon., orange, bergamota, gerani) or their mixture. Can do sugar scrub v friend option: take on 2 art. l.. sahara and nautical sololi., connection with anyone essential or basic oil.

5) Recipesanti-cellulite scruba from fruit kostok

To do skin v problem mestes. smooth and beautiful, grind (to example  v coffee grinder) bones apricot or grapes. Powder 23nS apricot kostok mix with 23 art.l.. fatty sour cream and 1 art.l.. citrus juice (lemon. or grapefruit). Ground grapes bones better unite with sugar. and nautical sOLYU. v next proportions -  2:1:1, with addition small quantity cosmetic oil.

Apply homework anti-cellulite scrub, remember, what calculate on instantaneous result not costs. Real visible result can will see only across 23 month. but, if for struggle with cellulite use not only scrub, but and other methods (sport, diet, massage, wraps), then this term can much reduce.

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