Cellulite cannon massage

Cellulite cannon massage

Buck (vacuum) massage - one of the most effective methods of getting rid of the ugly "orange crust" on the hips and buttocks. Due to its effectiveness, it is rightfully considered an excellent alternative to expensive anti-cellulite salon procedures - hardware vacuum therapy and LPG massage.

The essence of the jam massage is quite simple: the sections of the body affected by cellulite alternately massaged by special suctionen banks. Due to the effects of the vacuum, which is formed within the bank, the blood circulation is improved in problem areas and the circulation of lymph is activated. An additional massage bonus is a gradual update of the epidermis. And, as a result, smooth, elastic, elastic skin plus a significant reduction in body volumes.

Ban Massage Pop

The cannon massage is carried out at home with special cans - glass with rubber "pears" or silicone (they are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores). The second is considered more convenient in use, in addition, they do not absorb residues of massage oil. It is advisable to purchase a set of two silicone cans of different sizes: the jar is more used for processing the buttocks and hips, small - for massaging hands, abdomen and hard-to-reach areas.

In addition to jackets for vacuum massage you will need special oil. Massage composition can be prepared independently. To do this, in dry glassware, mix 100 ml of base oil (olive, peach or almond) and 10-12 drops of concentrated essential oil (orange, gerane, cypress, cinnamon, bergamot or rosemary).


To prepare the body to the procedure, it is advised to make a small manual massage of problem areas. For a few minutes, the cellulite zones are vigorously plugging before the appearance of light redness. Then take a warm shower, thoroughly cross the skin with a rigid brush or a wet's washcloth and treat the body with a natural scrub (it can be prepared from chopped oatmeal and liquid honey or shallow salt and cream / natural yogurt). Wash out the composition with clean water - without soap, gel and other cosmetics. These preparatory procedures contribute to the best absorption of the components of massage oil, activate blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer and the overall improvement in lymphotok.


After the shower, apply the sections of a slightly heated anti-cellulite oil on the affected cellulite and proceed to the immediate massage. Install the jar and alternately massage the problem areas with circular motions. An important nuance: Stronically prohibited chaotic and sharp driving banks by body! Massage is running strictly clockwise and in the direction of lymphotoka (that is, from the bottom up). Do not overdo it! The skin should be drawn into a bank no more than 1.5-2 cm, otherwise not to avoid the appearance of bruises and bruises. The average session duration is 10-15 minutes (for the first massage will be enough 2-3 minutes, starting from the second massage, gradually increase the duration of the procedure so that the skin is "used to" to intensive physical exposure).


The main rules of the vacuum anti-cellulite massage:

  • it is not recommended to make massage with banks on a full stomach, the optimal time interval between the procedure and the last meal is 1.5-2 hours;
  • it is not possible to massage the inner surface of the thigh, the lumbar zone, a popliteal, inguinal and axillary region;
  • perform a massage once every two or three days, the total rate of course is 10-12 sessions.

Bay massage has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • increased capillar stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • tumors;
  • ORVI;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Banks cropping

It is important to understand that vacuum massage is not a panacea, any anti-cellulite procedures are effective only in combination with systematic physical exertion and balanced rational nutrition.

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