Honey against cellulite: recipes

Honey against cellulite: recipes

Honey can be called one of the most efficient homemade in combating cellulite. It has long been considered very useful and nutritious, and for a long time it is used not only when eating, but also as a cosmetic. Honey effectively struggles with skin problems: cellulite and stretch marks, and in addition, it makes skin gentle and velvety, improves the water and salt balance of the skin and the overall tone. The only contraindication in the application is allergic to honey, which is not so often found. If you do not have allergies, honey will save you from orange peel in a short time and will contribute to the weight loss of problem areas. There are several ways to use honey, we describe each of them in more detail.

Honey anti-cellulite masks

Honey is often the main component of anti-cellulite masks not only at home, but also in specialized cosmetic compositions. Such masks enhance blood circulation in distressed places or throughout the body, which contributes to the splitting of fat and its conclusion from the body. To enhance the effect, honey is used in conjunction with other ingredients, the most effective recipes are below:

  • 200 grams of honey and several droplets of essential oils, preferably citrus
  • 200 grams of honey per 100 ml of milk or cream;
  • mask with reinforced action for weight loss: 3 tablespoons of apple vinegar per 200 grams of honey;
  • mask for people who do not suffer from dry skin: 2 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka per 200 grams of honey.

These recipes apply as follows:

  • The designated ingredients are mixed to homogeneous mass.
  • The mixture is applied to dry and clean skin on problem areas or the whole body.
  • Wrap a polyethylene or foil mask, to use the warming effect, it is advisable to cover with a blanket, in such a state the mask must be kept half an hour.
  • Rinsed and wash the composition, the skin moisturize with cream or lotion, as after the ordinary soul.

The effect of the mask is multiplied with regular use, in just 2-3 weeks you can completely get rid of cellulite, if you make a mask based on honey 2-3 times a week.

Honey massage

This procedure is very effective, although it requires 10-15 minutes of free time. When carrying out the massage, the drawing properties of honey, which are used for crushing fat cells and excluding their surplus. The result is noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

Massage must be carried out on pure dry leather, pre-sparkled in the shower. The sequence of actions is very simple:

  • Carefully dispense honey on the dry surface of the skin on problem places.
  • Throw honey with circular movements for 10-15 minutes while honey color does not change to the grayish.
  • First, it is better to restrict ourselves to such rubbing, and when the skin becomes accustomed to intensive effects (through 3-4 sessions), add light pats. At the same time, the hand will stick to the body, even minor pains are possible, but it is precisely a medical and prophylactic effect, since such an impact breaks and splits fat deposits.
  • After massage, wash the honey warm water, wash the skin and apply the cream.

Judging by numerous reviews, the results of this procedure will be surprised very quickly and inspired.

Honey scrub

A more sparing version of honey massage is made using honey based scrubs. In this case, the scrub is applied to the wet sparkling body and rubs into circular motions for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. The effect of scrub can be increased by applying a contrasting shower when washed off.

The most popular recipes of honey scrubics:

  • Cracked honey is a natural scrub, ready to use.
  • A scrub based on honey and coffee: 4 tablespoons of ground coffee mix with 8 tablespoons of honey. Coffee additionally stimulates the metabolism.
  • Honey can also be mixed with a naval salt for large grinding baths in equal proportions.

Anti-cellulite baths with honey

This method of combating cellulite is effective not only for problem areas, but also for the whole body, skin and nerves. Honey baths deliver a lot of pleasure, relax and bring a good effect. The main thing about to remember with this method of combating cellulite is that the bath must be not hot, but warm, its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees so that the procedure is most effective. What honey baths can be organized at home? We list home recipes:

  • Honey with milk: a glass of honey is stirred in a liter of warm milk, such a mixture can be added to the bath. According to ancient testimonies, Cleopatra herself took such baths, which allowed her to preserve his beauty for many years.
  • In a liter infusion chamomile, add 4 tablespoons of honey and pour the mixture into a warm bath. Instead of chamomile, it is also used and stiff neck. The herbs are convenient to buy in a pharmacy in special filter bags, 4 bags of herbs are brewing on liter.
  • Just the honey tub will also be very useful: dissolve a glass of honey in a bathroom and enjoy such a bathroom for at least 10 minutes to obtain a cosmetic effect.

Honey effectively fights cellulite, helps women look beautiful and keep their skin in good shape, so there are so many different home recipes based on it. Honey is a natural ingredient, this is the only product that cannot be spoiled and applied in any form. Choose a recipe that is suitable for you, and say goodbye to cellulite, and then regularly spend preventive procedures so that beauty and youth remain with you always!

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