Homemade masks for narrowing

Homemade masks for narrowing

The skin with extended pores looks like a flabby, often has a fat shine, besides, it is extremely prone to the appearance of acne and black dots. Make your skin more attractive Help home masks will help for narrowing The pores, the more exist the recipes of masks suitable for the owners of different skin types.

Recommendations for the use of masks for narrowing

To obtain noticeable results from the use of masks, you must remember the following rules:

  1. Before the selection of ingredients for a mask, determine your skin type and its condition.
  2. A good mask result is given with regular use.
  3. Before applying a mask, be sure to pre-clean the face, it is desirable with a scrub. If you neglect this rule, you can provoke inflammatory processes.
  4. Homemade masks hold on the face of 15-20 minutes.
  5. If you send and rest when applying the mask, it will significantly strengthen the positive effect.
  6. Well wash off the mask by Romashkov or Green Tea, then apply your favorite moisturizing cream.
  7. Carefully watch your skin after applying the mask. The appearance of oily shine or peeling indicates that the mask does not suit you.

Recipes Masks for Dry Skin

Holders of dry skin must be used with caution to apply masks for narrowing pores so as not to cause redness and peeling of the skin. To do this, when selecting ingredients, choose those that are well moisturized and do not overcame the skin. Here are some recipes such masks:

  • Dissolve 1-2 tablets aspirin (in powder form) in sour cream and add a couple of lemon juice drops.
  • Divide the tablespoon stachmala In water and add 3-4 drops of olive or any other natural oil.
  • Tablespoon of cottage cheese dilute the cucumber juice and stir up to a homogeneous consistency.

Recipes masks for greasy or combined leather

It is fatty skin that is most prone to expanded pores. Masks for such skin should not only narrow them, but also remove excess skin fat, improve water-fat exchange. Such masks will have a good effect:

  • Purified tomatoes Grind to a puree state, add a small amount of starch and a drop of essential oil (tea tree, shi).
  • Take 1 tablespoon of boiled oatmeal and add a tablespoon of milk and a floor of a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Make a puree from any berries or acidic fruit and add bran. Give a mask to stand a little to bran Nabuchi.

Mask recipes for all skin types

Among the masks, tapered pores, foam, gelatin and clay masks deserve special attention. They are suitable absolutely to all, most importantly, replace some components or change the proportions slightly, adjusting to their skin type:

  • To prepare a clay mask, mix in equal shares of clay (white, black, blue), water and vegetable oil (olive, linen). Add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil and a little honey.
  • The gelatin mask is prepared from gelatin dissolved in warm milk. After drying on the face, it takes the type of film that needs to be carefully removed.
  • For the preparation of a foam mask, beat the egg protein to a strong foam. If you have oily skin, add lemon juice (also suitable cherry, currant, moody juices), and if dry - plantain leaves, whipped in a blender.

Recipes of domestic masks for the narrowing of the pore there is a great set. You can easily prepare such a mask from the ingredients that you have in the refrigerator right now. It is very important to enjoy the procedure, relax, ensure recreation and your skin.

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