How to care for oily skin

How to care for oily skin

Golden skin gives its owners a lot of trouble and requires special care and high-quality care. Such skin has a significant minus: due to increased salo-waste and insufficient blood circulation in cells, it is inclined to block pores and the appearance of inflammatory elements. However, this type of skin has its own positive side - it fades it much later than other species. With proper care, oily skin can bring not only a chagrin, but also to delight it.

Fatty skin care rules

When leaving the oily skin, adhere to such tips:

  1. The main goal of the care is to remove excess fat from the skin, open and clean the pores, reduce skin production.
  2. Fat skin, like any other type, moisturizing and nutrition is required.
  3. Never engage in self-medication, do not use cosmetics in which you are not sure.
  4. Do not abuse acute, greasy, pickled and too hot food. Prefer fruits, vegetables, black bread, white meat, fermented milk products.
  5. Twice a week do peeling.
  6. Use lotions with salicylic acid.
  7. From hiking to the sauna it is better to refrain.
  8. Observe the cleanliness: clean it regularly, flushing with hot water with soap, all sponges, brushes and brushes, with which you do make up.

Oily skin

Purification of oily skin

Full care is impossible without careful skin cleansing. Be sure to wash in the morning and in the evening with warm water using special soft gels for washing. After the washing procedure, rinse the skin with cool water to narrow the pores and toning the skin. It is even better to rinse the face with the infant herbs: especially good in this case, mint, yarrow, chamomile, sage. Do not use very often aggressive products with high alcohol. It only hurts, since the dried skin will begin to produce even more skin salts. Use tonic, which includes substances aimed at normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.

Oily skin

Moisturizing and skin

Bold leather needs moisturizing and nutrition no less dry and normal. Use low-fat creams. In the morning - moisturizing cream with a matting effect, and better hydrogel or emulsion that do not contain fat, but have a large number of moisturizing and caring components. In the evening, apply a light nutrient cream.

During the day, especially in summer, always have special cosmetic wipes for oily skin at hand, which clean it and help eliminate the fat shine. Use the mineral powder to drink problem areas - zone T or all the skin of the face. In the care of bold leather, masks and scrubs are indispensable. Cleaning masks do no less often a week, once a week Use a deep cleaning scrub.

Oily skin

Special care

Masks for oily skin care can be successfully used at home, it is not necessary to visit the salon and spend funds for expensive procedures:

  • An excellent solution for you will be fruit and vegetable masks: egg whites with a teaspoon of fresh juice.
  • The dairy-cucumber mask narrowing the pores and saturates the skin with nutrients.
  • Romashkaya mask with egg protein will eliminate irritation.
  • Honey mask with oat flakes will perfectly clean and narrow the extended pores.
  • A yeast mask will have an integrated caring effect.
  • Cosmetologists recommend applying masks based on green clay.

Oily skin

Regular proper care for oily skin will help get rid of problems, improve the complexion and always look young and fresh.

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