Skin care after 50 years

Skin care after 50 years

Proper skin care after 50 years is very important to preserve her health. At this age, deep wrinkles begin to appear on the face, the skin becomes less elastic, loses the former beauty and freshness. Verified folk remedies, modern cosmetic creams and masks, pharmaceutical preparations and salon treatments will help keep your skin's youth.

Skin features after 50

Why does the skin change after 50 years:

  • The hormonal restructuring of the body (Climax) begins.
  • Development of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases.
  • Regeneration of skin cell slows down.
  • The activity of the sebaceous glands is reduced.
  • Blood microcirculation deteriorates.

Under the influence of these factors, the skin becomes dry and thin, it is covered with both mimic and deep wrinkles, decisions of the skin appears, the circles and bags under the eyes are becoming more visible. The natural process of aging can not be stopped, but you can slow down the fading of the skin and return its aesthetic beauty.

Proper skin cleansing

The procedure for cleansing the skin must be carried out in the morning and in the evening. Purification after 50 years should be soft and delicate, using vegetable oil based funds. These funds are completely removed by makeup, dust microparticles, the remains of creams and other skin contamination. At the same time, the oil does not disrupt the integrity of the lipid layer, the plant extracts moisturize and feed the skin fabric. For mature skin as a basis, it is recommended to take olive oil in combination with a combination of peach oils, avocado, argany and apricot bones. This mixture can be enriched with the addition of essential oils - patchouli, sandalwood, geranium, palmaroza. Oil mixtures can be stored up to two weeks. Brewed natural grasses from herbs for washing. In order to rejuvenate the skin of the face, Aloe, the leaves of black currant, sage, basil, radiol, rosehip are used. Fill herbal harvest hot water, cool down to room temperature. Such an infusion is better to use fresh, do not keep it more than a day.

Do not use the means with the content of alcohol!

Cosmetics for Mature Skin Care

Creams, serums, masks, emulsions, gels for mature skin have a number of features:

  • On the package it is noted that the anti-aging agent (Anti-Age).
  • Contain vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid, retinoids.
  • For moisturizing and regeneration of the skin, preparations based on dairy proteins, wheat extracts, honey, oats are used.
  • The rejuvenating effect is achieved by the use of polysaccharides, amino acids, elastin, collagen, glycerin.

Anti-aging scrubs and pylling can be used for mature skin, they have a soft texture, provide careful and delicate care. The cream for the skin around the eyes should contain hyalurone and retinuous acid, neuropeptides. Do not forget about protective creams: in summer - from sunlight, in winter - from the wind and frost.

People's methods of struggle against aging skin

The compresses made of herbs, masks, decoctions - effective anti-aging tools for skin care at home:

  • Clay mask: Blue, pink or gray clay, slightly divide warm water and apply to the purified face. Remove in 20 minutes.
  • Mask from the melt of a banana: a banana Frost fork, add a tablespoon of sour cream, mix and apply to clean skin for 20 minutes. You can add to this mask the flesh of cucumber, apricot or strawberries.
  • Mask of greasy cottage cheese: natural cottage cheese mix with any fresh fruit or vegetable juice, apply on the face and leave for 30 minutes. You can use rippy or sour cream instead of cottage.

Enrich your diet with antioxidant products is raspberry, blackberry, cranberries, strawberry, blueberries. Berries contribute to the production of collagen, have a wound-healing effect, improve the elasticity of the skin. Drink more fluid. Water helps keep the skin fresh and smooth.

Salon rejuvenation procedures

The modern beauty industry offers a large selection of rejuvenating systems of various properties. The most popular of them are:

  • Mesotherapy - cosmetology manipulation, during which drugs based on microelements, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, cobalt are introduced under the skin. As a result, the skin becomes touched, more elastic and elastic. The effect of the procedure is long.
  • Chemical pylling - contribute to the dishee of the upper layers of the skin and its update.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage - a procedure that removes an extra liquid from the body, gives the muscles and skin of the face tone, eliminates swells.
  • Botulo-toxin injections - block the transmission of the nerve pulse in neuromuscular synapses, which leads to the smoothing of deep and mimic wrinkles.

For the skin after 50 years of retaining its beauty and youth, a comprehensive care approach is needed. This is daily cleansing, proper moisturizing and nutrition of the skin with anti-aging cosmetic drugs, applying herbal masks and compresses 2-3 times a week, visiting a cosmetologist in specialized salons. Save skin health will also help a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition.

Comments leave a comment
Zulfia 12/17/2016 at 10:06.

Hello, friends! At any age, every woman wants to be beautiful. But the years do not regret appearance and then you have to look for all sorts of tricks to keep your youth
Vichy laboratory experts
Selected the most effective natural minerals and created a collection of masks with a unique composition.

Cleansing Mask Vichy Purete Thermale
Mask with clay for cleaning pores based on two types of white clay, cleanses the pores, matures and gives the skin softness. Aloe Vera and Allantoin in the composition protect the skin from cutting, as well as soften and calm the skin.

Soothing mask
The first mineral mask based on thermal water Vichy and vitamin B3: fills the skin moisture, eliminates discomfort and dryness. The mask has a cooling effect, gives a feeling of comfort and freshness.

Mask-peeling "Double Light"
The first mask with volcanic stone and fruit acids gently exfoliates dead skin cells, smoothes it and fills the shine. The combination of chemical and mechanical peels allows the most carefully to achieve the leveling of the skin texture.

Super effect!

Natasha 16/06/2018 at 19:25

Good article! But the main thing is not to forget about internal care. I just had the first symptoms of Klimaks in 50, immediately began to drink alanine cycle, so that the symptoms of removing and save the skin in the normal state. Now it has already moved to ordinary complex vitamins and orega 3, and, of course, outside, too, care for the skin)

Victoria 14/07/2018 at 14:54.

Yes, indeed, during the climax period, special attention is required. During this period, the ice formula of menopause + carefully moistened the skin with various natural oils, now the skin is in good condition))


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