Nasolabial folds - how to remove

Nasolabial folds - how to remove

Nasolabial folds are one of the problems that are very worried about many women. Deep and pronounced mimic wrinkles coming from the nose to the corners of the mouth - give out the real age of a woman. The reason for the appearance of nasophals are age-related changes associated with the loss of collagen in the skin, genetic predisposition to mimic wrinkles. Also deep folds in the corners of the mouth may appear in women with too lively facial facial expressions, from the wrong way of life and with irregular and illiterate skin care. Remove the nasolabial folds and make the skin of the face elastic and elastic quite really, consider the most effective ways.

How to remove nasolabial folds with anti-aging face masks

The most affordable way to get rid of deep mimic wrinkles and the first signs of skin fading are to use masks based on natural products and oils.

  • One of the popular products for elasticity and imparting the skin of the tone - natural honey with the addition of cottage cheese and sour cream. Also effective masks with honey and egg squirrel. Keep tightening masks on the face up to 30 minutes.
  • Useful skin apricot oil, peach, almonds, as well as olive and coconut oil. Apply a few drops daily on cleaned skin through massage lines.
  • Cubes with frozen grazing grasses (chamomile, green tea) - a wonderful remedy for deep wrinkles and skin tones. Cut the folds on the folds twice a day.
  • Well done proven tightening masks for a person based on gelatin. 2 st. Supplements pour a quarter of a glass of water, add to the wake-up gelatin 4 of the Spirulina tablets (pre-dumped them in cool water), 0.5 hours of lemon juice and 2 droplets of vitamin A. Let the mask are broken, apply for 20 minutes.

Remove nasolabial folds using anti-aging cosmetics

Wrong and illiterate approach to facial care can lead to premature aging and fading of the skin and the appearance of deep facial wrinkles. Choosing an anti-aging anti-aging cream, it should be borne in mind, for what age he is. Pay attention to the content of cosmetics with collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme, which is struggling with age-related wrinkles.

Remove nasolabial folds through massage and facial gymnastics

Regular massage and exercises for the face provide incredibly successful results. The facial skin becomes elastic, supple, gets a healthy color, and facial wrinkles are smoothed considerably or disappear altogether. Among the most famous massages for the face include:

  • Carole Maggio method. This technique has developed a beautician. Technique of massage gets rid of the nasolabial folds, regardless of age and condition of the skin. Many people call this technique an alternative to plastic surgery.
  • Shiatsu. A simple implementation technique available anywhere, at home, still at work. By performing a few simple but effective exercise a day, wrinkles on his face quickly disappeared, and the skin becomes more elastic.
  • Indian method. Indian massage based on the effects of biologically active regions and points. It helps remove nosogubki, regardless of age.
  • Respiratory system Greer Childers. Thanks to the special breathing exercises and blood oxygen content, increases the tone of facial muscles and thus disappear nasolabial folds.
  • Asahi. Exercises for the face developed by geishas. Strengthen the facial muscles and remove the nasolabial folds.

Remove the nasolabial folds by a salon procedures and plastic

Smooth deep wrinkles helps cosmetology. One of the most popular salon procedures - administering subcutaneous injections fillers, the main component of which hyaluronic acid. Due to the injection, deep skin wrinkles are filled with a liquid formulation, and relief of the skin quickly leveled. The disadvantage of this method - the need for repeated rejuvenation procedures. Besides hyaluronic acid held Botox and other drugs designed to fill wrinkles.

Remember, nasolabial folds easier to prevent than to fight hard with their appearance. Do not forget about proper nutrition, drinking enough fluids, hydration and nutrition, gymnastics for the face.
Video on how to use massage to remove the nasolabial folds:

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Lolita 10/06/2020 at 12:07.

I am a mask with Aloe juice on a regular basis. But this is not all, of course. I still use Laura with stem cells of Edelweissa I use (in the online store I order phytomarket, very convenient). That's it precisely because there is a complex skin care, it looks good. In my 40 years, not a single wrinkle, even nasoglobki disappeared! This achievement, I think))

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