How to remove hair on the face

How to remove hair on the face

Those who faced the problem of dark or hard hair on the face will certainly help handle the following tips with it. Of course, professional depilation by various methods provides a guaranteed result, but not every girl can afford to spend time and money.

The most popular way at home is the discoloration of unwanted hair with a special cream or supra powder. After discoloration, the hair becomes thinner and less noticeable.

No less effectively helps the shell of walnut. This shell must be burned to ash, then dissolve in a small amount of water. Mix three times a day on a problem zone.

It will certainly help the medicinal mixture: iodine - 1.5 ml, medical alcohol 35 ml, ammonia alcohol - 2 ml, castor oil - 5 ml. Mix all and put in a dark place until complete bleaching. Apply unwanted hair on the growth zone 2 times a day.

Also known is a popular method using a cedar shell that needs to be chopped into a mortar or coffee grinder. 2 tablespoons of this substance need to be added to 1 cup of boiling water, mix and cook on a water bath for 20 minutes, then strain and cool. The decoction periodically rub the disturbing zones.

There are many creams to depilation of the face. Choose this product with special picklight, because gentle and sensitive skin when interacting with the chemical composition of the drug may be annoyed, which will be unpleasant to any girl. Special spatula Apply the hair growth cream, learn the time specified in the instruction, then reverse the side of this shovel. Remove the hair growth cream together with unwanted hairs.

There is a very interesting and convenient device - springs for hair depilation Epistick. The principle of its action is as follows: bend the arc, apply to the problem zone and start turning inside the springs handle, removing the captured hairs. It is inexpensive, you can order on

Methods of getting rid of unwanted "vegetation" on the face a lot. It is difficult for everyone to give advice, you need to try and pick up a personally suitable method.

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