How to remove your hair in a bikini zone

How to remove your hair in a bikini zone

Neat, smooth skin in the bikini zone - a mandatory point of woman's well-maintained. Fortunately, modern beauties, ways to remove unwanted vegetation from this area today a lot. Epilation and depilation services have most beauty salons, there are a lot of cosmetics and recipes that will allow such procedures and at home. That is, to be beautiful everywhere quite real - you only need to choose the most suitable option for yourself. In this we will try to help you.

The razor for many girls and women is already traditional for many girls and women. It still remains the easiest and easier way to bring the bikini zone in order: you can shave yourself, at any time and in any condition (even during pregnancy). However, those who use the razor knows that firstly, for the ideal state of an intimate area to do it daily, secondly, Constantly there is a risk of getting irritation. You can avoid the latter using modern floors with floating heads and moisturizing stripes, in combination with special cosmetics. How to shave the bikini zone, you can read in our article.

The cosmetics industry offers a lot of lotions and creams for depilation, which can also be used at home. Such a means is simply applied at a certain time on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, where it is chemical in the hairs, then removed with a spatula and washed off, that is, it can be done directly in the bathroom or in the shower. The effect of such a cream is holding up to 3 days, although it can be observed and much longer - it all depends on the structure of hairs. This method of depilation can also cause irritation, plus to this - provoke allergies and lead to rustling of hair. Therefore, before the first procedure, it is better to test the sensitivity test to the selected depilatory cream  a after her conduct - be sure to use the reassuring skin.

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A longer on the result of a method of depilation in the field of bikini - bioepilation, that is, removing unnecessary hair with wax and sugar. Depilation of wax (vaxing) or sugar ( shugaring) - Procedures similar in their mechanism and sufficiently painful. However, they allow you to forget about the need to remove hair at least 2 weeks, and if you regularly use products that slow down hair growth, then for longer. Besides, vasking. and shugaring Perfectly suitable for creating an ideal deep bikini. And wax and sugar depilation They can burn the skin, cause irritation or rustling of hairs, but the risk of such undesirable effects is significantly reduced under the condition of the proper procedures. Both hair removal options can be made in salon conditions, or you can spend yourself at home.

The method of cardinal impact on hair growth, including in the field of bikini, is electroepilation. This procedure is carried out exclusively in the salon conditions, where to remove hair, the effects on them by an electric pulse under local anesthesia are used (although it remains sensitive). This method allows you to get smooth skin forever, but has certain contraindications and can leave such consequences as scars and cuts.

Another way remove hair foreverphotoepirationWhere in the fight against hair the light and warmth are entering. But the effect of the complete absence of hair is perhaps the only plus of this epilation version, since it is not possible to achieve such a result. For this you need to pass at least 10 procedures. Besides photoepiration - A rather painful procedure, after which the skin reactions often occur as irritation. In addition, temperature effects on the skin after photoepilation They can lead to burns, so it is recommended for several weeks after a session not to take hot baths, not sunbathing, including in solarium, do not attend a bath or sauna.

The most effective salon hair removal is at the same time in the bikini zone - laser hair removal. In this case, the hair follicle is destroyed under the influence of the laser, as a result of which the growing hairs  first, they disappear, and after 2-4 sessions do not grow at all. This procedure is painless, short enough - from 5 to 10 minutes and does not leave non-psychic consequences (scars, irritation). In a spoon of tar here is the cost of the procedure and restriction on the color of hair - the epilation of the laser is effective in relation to dark hair.


As you can see, all listed ways to maintain their bikini zone in aesthetic state have its advantages and its drawbacks. Therefore, only you decide which one will be perfect for you and to entrust his execution - for yourself or a professional.

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