The vegetation on the face spoiled the nerves even many famous beauties, not to mention ordinary girls. The reasons for the appearance of hair above the lip, on the chin and on the cheeks set, starting from heredity and ending with the hormonal failures of the body. But Whatever the reason, the result is one - every girl who has such a lack, dreams of getting rid of it. And fortunately, modern cosmetology offers several options to choose from how to do it.
You can use the services of specialists and resort to one of three expensive procedures - photoepilation, laser hair removal or electroepilation. Each of these procedures promises you to get rid of hair on the face for several years or even forever. True, as practice shows, the effect of such a stunning, as we expect. The hairs still grow up with time, although they become thinner and weaker. So why pay more if you can get rid of unwanted vegetation on your face yourself?- spring the skin of the face, it will help reduce the soreness of the procedure;
- disinfect face and hand skin to avoid infection;
- take a thread about 40 cm long, tie her ends with each other, pull your hands to the resulting circle and scroll it 5-6 times to make the thread taken the form of an inverted eight;
- attach a thread to face and move your fingers so that the formed loops breathe hair;
- at the end, wipe the skin with a soothing lotion.
And finally, I want to say what to do in no case. Never swear your hair on your face! From this, instead of a thin gun begins to grow a rough bristle, from which it will later get rid of it is much more complicated.