How to remove hair forever

How to remove hair forever

Increased hair growth on the body delivers not only men, but also some women. And if the strong half of mankind of abundant vegetation on the body most often does not spoil, then the girls suffer from it and dream to get rid. On how to remove excess hair forever, and it will be discussed in our article.

Specialists offer a choice of several options for salon procedures aimed at removing hair. Each of them has its own characteristics. First consider electroepilation. The action occurs as follows: the finest needle is introduced into the bulb of each excess hail, which destroys the hair follicle from the inside under the influence of electric current. Keep in mind that the removal is no longer a member length of 2 mm, and in order to finally get rid of extra vegetation, you will need several courses of electropilees. In addition to the fact that this method is quite painful, he has another significant drawback - on the site of remote hairs, red dots are formed, which in a couple of days will turn into the raid crusts. Full skin healing after the procedure lasts about a week. Electricity has an extensive range of contraindications, so before you decide to remove your hair in this way, be sure to consult your doctor.

Consider the second procedure on our list - laser hair removal. In this case, hair removal occurs due to the destruction of the hair follicle with a laser beam. Feels like this procedure is quite painful, therefore it is recommended to anesthenize that section of the skin in advance that you are going to epilation. For this, an hour before the procedure, apply an Emla ointment on the skin and cover it from top of the food film. Keep in mind that the laser is able to remove only hard dark hair, and to completely get rid of extra vegetation, it is necessary to go from 4 to 12 procedures. In the intervals between the procedures, the hair is allowed to remove only with a machine. Do not believe advertising and do not hope that the laser will help get rid of the excess hair forever. The wonderful effect will last from 6 to 12 months, and then the complex of the procedures will have to go back.

The next way to get rid of unwanted hair - photoepilation. The essence of this procedure is to apply a special lamp that illuminates the skin area with a total area of \u200b\u200babout five square centimeters. Under the influence of non-monochromatic light, the lamps hair bulbs overheat and die. This epilation is often compared with laser, but photo epilation wins for many reasons. First, thus you can get rid of light and fine hair; secondly, this procedure is less painful; Thirdly, hair removal in this way is quite a short amount of time, relative to other procedures. However, photoepilation has one significant minus - the irradiation of the skin by ultraviolet. So do not forget to consult the doctor before you choose your choice on this procedure.

And finally, consider the last new-fashioned way of removing hair - ello-epilation. This procedure combines photo and electroepilation, that is, the hairs are destroyed under the action of special light and electric current. This type of epilation allows you to remove any type of hair without damaging the skin. However, do not believe if the master promises you a painless procedure and lifetime effect - it will not be. The result will be noticeable only after 3-4 procedures and will intensify as new procedures hold. Even when your skin becomes perfect smooth - about once every six months the procedure will still have to be held to maintain the effect.

From the above epilation options, each can choose the most convenient. However, regardless of choice, do not forget to consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with the reviews about the work of the clinic in which you will undergo a procedure.

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