How to get rid of ingrown hair

How to get rid of ingrown hair

Ingrown hairs are a serious problem that is known to almost all girls who at least once made hair removal or in the cabin. Gentle and smooth skin pleases until dark tubercans begin to appear on it, which may even inflame. But you can get rid of them.

Removal of ingrown hair with peeling

If the hairs did not grow much and it is clearly visible, then you can get rid of them with the help of skin peeling.

This will require:

  • scrub, rigid urine or special peeling mitigation;
  • moisturizing lotion.

To begin with, steal the skin, then thoroughly read it with a scrub or washcloth, rinse the massive place with water and apply a moisturizing cream or lotion. Thus, hairs that are very close to the skin surface "will come out" to the surface. For efficiency, repeat the procedure daily.


Removal of ingrown hair with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is an excellent assistant in the fight against ingrown hairs. Just lubricate her every day of the place of rotation, and after a few days the hairs will start breaking out. Acid affects the skin, softens it and removes the damaged particles, giving the hair the opportunity to go to the surface. You can buy such a tool in any pharmacy.

Removal of ingrown hair mechanically

This method is suitable only for shallow hair ingrowthly, and in the event that neither escape, nor salicylic acid helped. Disinfect the place where the hairs are erasing, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and two fingers gently press on the tubercle. If the hair is "sits" a shallow, then the hair cover will quickly come out, pull the remaining part with a tweezers or needle.

Removal of ingrown hair with a greenhouse effect

In this way, you used another hundred years ago. The cloth moistened in warm water was applied in warm water and left for 15-20 minutes. If the hair did not appear after the first time, repeated the procedure for several days. Water sparks the skin, expands the pores, and the hair has the opportunity to go out. Even deeply ingrown hair in a few days are already at the surface.

What to do if the ingrown hair caused inflammation

If inflammation has already begun, it is necessary to fight with radical methods. The following means can help you:

  • Aspirin. Multiple pills are scattered, mix with a small amount of water so that Cashier turns out and apply to the inflamed area. Keep a lot on the skin at least 25-30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Aspirin perfectly removes irritation and inflammation.
  • Toothpaste. A small amount of pasta squeeze on the finger and apply to the affected area, wash in 15 minutes. In this way, you can fight not only with increasing hairs, but also with acne on face and body.
  • Paracetamol. Make the same porridge from the tablets, as well as from aspirin, and spend the gaze of the inflated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

What to do if none of the ways helped

There are cases when at home will not get rid of ingrown hair. And, in this case, consult a doctor. He will professionally relieve you from the problem. It is easy to leave ingrown hair simply, as infection and suppuration can begin.

Prevention of ingrown hair

Most often, ingrown hair appears after epilation with wax strips, sugar paste and epilator, and it happens because the skin surface after the procedure is griste, and the hair becomes thinner. So that this does not happen, take a warm shower before epilation, spark the skin well and make a massage with a scrub. After the procedure, repeat the same thing and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing agent.

Ingrown hair is a long-standing problem, but if you correctly approach the epilation procedure, such trouble can be avoided, and then smooth and tender skin will delight you for a long time!

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