How to get rid of hair on the body forever

How to get rid of hair on the body forever

Many women and men worries the problem of unwanted hair on the body. It is ugly and man is experiencing stress, especially a woman. You do not know how to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body forever? Consider how to solve this problem and become the owner of the gentle and smooth skin.

Get rid of the hair on the body forever - a campaign to the cosmetic salon

Technology on site are not worth. In cosmetic salons, you can forever get rid of excess vegetation with the following procedures:

  • photoepilation. It helps to get rid of the hair on the most tender areas of the skin - on the face and in the field of bikini. The light beam penetrates the hair onion, heats the follicle and destroys, without bringing harm to the skin;
  • laser hair removal. The laser destroys the pigment, and the hair is brightened. After the procedure, the hair weak and fall out. The method is painless, but to achieve the result, you will need to go from 8 to 10 procedures;
  • electroepilation. The hair onion is destroyed under the influence of the current. A needle is introduced into the follicle and current is served through it. The method is effective, but painful. Before the procedure, the problematic place is lubricated with an anesthetic drug;
  • el slot epilation. This method combines electrical and photoepilation. The hair luminous bulb is affected by the high frequency pulse and radio wave of bipolar current. The procedure is painless and suitable for any skin type.

But all the procedures are worth a lot, and many of them will have to go several times to achieve results.

Get rid of hair on the body forever - home

If you do not have money for hiking to cosmetic salons, try to get rid of unwanted hair at home yourself. For this, there are the following methods:

  • wax depilation. Preheat in the microwave wax and subtle layer apply to problem areas of the body. Remove wax with hair with a fabric napkin, but you have to suffer - the procedure is unpleasant. Warm wax in the bottle is for sale, it is more convenient to apply it to problem areas;
  • sugar depilation. The method is less painful than the previous one. Prepare a mixture from a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of water and three of the same lemon juice spoons. Heat on low fire, constantly stir. Scroll through the finished mixture and apply on the body against hair growth. Abruptly tear off the paste for hair growth;
  • electric deponator. Little instrument tweezers will pull the hairs with the root, but it hurts.

Get rid of hair on the body forever - folk recipes

Folk recipes will help painlessly and effectively remove excess vegetation on the body forever. We offer the most efficient:

  • walnut shell. Grind the shell from walnuts. Pour into a small saucepan of 2 glasses of water and put on fire. After boiling, add 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed shell. Boil 20 minutes. With a cooled mixture, lubricate distressed areas on the body 3 times a day, and from the beam can make compresses and apply them to hairy places;
  • decoration from Durana. We boil 150 g of dope in a liter of water. Apply a steep decoction every day to problem areas with a cotton swab;
  • green grape juice. Make juice from grapes and process the problem areas daily daily. Suitable even for sensitive skin.

Get rid of the hair on the body forever - special creams

Cream for depilation will remove the toughest hairs on the body. The creams include ingredients dissolving creatine, which is in the hair. Apply a cream on the skin with a thick layer and then through the time specified in the instruction, remove the spatula. Assortment of similar means for different types of leather in stores is large. They have oils and vitamin supplements for humidification and skin softening. First, try the effect of the drug on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body, if there is no allergies - use. Well established itself cream deponctor Batist Russian production and cream Cliven suitable for any body site.

Bursat patience and time. In two days, unwanted hair will not disappear, but the regular use of the selected method will allow to get rid of extra vegetation forever.

Comments leave a comment
Catherine 20/05/2018 at 10:39

I was told that laser hair removal removes the hair forever. But I do not know, it hurts or not? Who knows?

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Ulyana 05/29/2018 at 8:05.

Catherine, I know how to get rid of the hair on some parts of the body from the hair forever. There is nothing complicated and painful, mostly time to appear at the master and carry out the procedure. This is not at a time of course, although after the first hair there will be no half, but to get rid of all hair and forever, you need to go from 6 to 8 sessions. Light tingling will feel no more. This is still depends on the master, my Match from Esthetic Room has extensive experience in this area and plus medical education. Therefore, to trust her myself is not scary)

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