How to remove your hair under the mouse

How to remove your hair under the mouse

A woman always sought to look stunning. Imprint vegetation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression is difficult to call an attractive. That is why there are many ways to remove unwanted hair in this part of the body.

The most popular way to combat hair under the mouse is shaving. In order to lose the hair, a fairly ordinary machine or an electric shaver. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. The main advantage of this method is low cost and instant effect. Few of women think about the lack of shave. Hair over time becomes very tough, their quantity can increase. Very often, after shaving, irritation and growing hairs arise.

How to remove your hair under the mouse

Recently, a new procedure has appeared in the salons - Shugaring. Hair removal is carried out with the help of sticky sugar. It acts on the principle of wax, only painful feelings are less. In addition, the hairs do not rotate, irritation does not appear. The area of \u200b\u200bthe armpit is 14-30 days remains smooth. The main advantage of this method is that unwanted vegetation over time it becomes less, since the hair is removed with bulbs.

How to remove your hair under the mouse

Often, from the hair under the mouses are getting rid of chemicals. Depilation creams and gels in their composition contain substances that destroy the external part of the hairs. After 5-15 minutes, the remedy together with vegetation is removed by the blade. This method is similar to shaving, only to a lesser extent injured the skin. The hairproker is restored rather quickly, and after 3-7 days it will have to fight with him again.

In the salons offer hair removal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits using epilation. Types of epilation:

  • photoepilation;
  • laser;
  • elos-epilation;
  • with the help of an electrical epilator.

You can independently remove unwanted hair with an electric epilator. The procedure is very painful, as as a result of it, the hairs are pulled out with the bulbs. Photo and elos-epilation are carried out exclusively in the cabin. With their help will be able to get rid of vegetation under the mouse forever. These procedures destroy the hair cover by acting on it with a special beam of light or laser flow. The most modern way - elos-epilation. It allows you to get rid of dark spots with armpits.

Vaxing - wax hair removal. You can "deal with" with excess "fur" using hot or cold wax. This method of getting rid of vegetation in this area is very painful, but allows you to wear open things 15-30 days. It is so much the extra hairs here.

Of course, the choice of this or that method of combating vegetation under mice depends on the desired result and financial capabilities. But it is worth paying attention to the negative sides of each of the ways. It is best to get rid of the hair cover in the cabin. In this case, you can not be afraid of getting burns and growing hairs.

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