How to remove the mustache over the lip

How to remove the mustache over the lip

Once the ladies were not comprehensive about the mustache over the lip, because during their temperament there were in a special honor in men. The current women who have a mustache are also passionate, but consider the gift of nature - the mustache, the disadvantage and strive to remove it with any ways.

Many species of weak gender, more often in brunette burning, appears unwanted vegetation on the face. Young girls, mature beauties, aunty aged are accepted to pull out, pull out, shave hair, but do not always get a positive result. What is the matter? Before starting the battle for the ideal appearance, you need to know the root cause of hairiness and effective methods for removing unnecessary hair.

Warry mustache - Causes

The hairs above the lip is beginning to grow with a hormonal splash, heredity, reception of some drugs.

  • Hormonal problems. If you did not have hairy and past persons in your family, it means that something is wrong with your hormones and it's time to visit the doctor. As a rule, sex hormones are checked, as well as hormones and ultrasound thyroids. If men's androgens in the organism of the overabundance are prescribed corrective treatment.
  • Heredity - Girsutism. On an old portrait, your great-grandmother is captured with a pretty mustache over the lip, and judging by family legends, shape legs? So, hairlessness goes along the genetic line.
  • Reception of medicines. Some drugs have a side effect in the form of breaking vegetation on the face. These include: anabolics, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, some antibiotics.

How to remove the mustache over the lip house

Remove the mustache over the lip in the home setting.

Tweepers in the fight against mustache

Hair pulling with tweezers is the most affordable way. Wipe the tool and place of epilation by vodka. Stretch the skin above the lip, grab the hair rod and pull with force. Bringing all the hairs, handle the blurred places by antiseptic. In order to lime the mustache at all, repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

Important: Do not break the mustache, they will appear very quickly again, with the edges of the hair will become hard and prickly.


Lightening mustache over lip

Hydrogen peroxide blends well and thin hair. Wash your cotton disk with liquid. Gently apply on the bristles, hold 5 minutes, wash. Do a day, and by the end of the third week, the a mustache will become invisible.

Home Depilation

  • Apply cream to depilat on the skin, after 10 minutes, remove it along with the falling hairs. Pros - painless. Cons - short-term effect, about three days.
  • Take the wax strip preheated in the hands along the hair growth, scream with your fingers and pressed to the skin. Dry the sticky ribbon with a sharp move, as they say, against wool. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your skin with lotion. Good - effect up to 4 weeks, bad - hurt.

Warning: Do not use wax strips in the presence of acne, acne, moles at the place of depilation.

Sugar epilation - Shugaring

This is a deep view of epilation, in which the follicles are injured, destroyed and harder form hard hair. The process is not complicated, the main thing is to prepare the right mixture.

Mix in metal dishes 5 ppm Sugar, 2 ppm water. Boil to light brown. As soon as the composition goes a candle smell, pour lemon juice. Remove from the fire, let it cool a little. Shot out a small ball from the pull, break it in your hands to the pearl shine. Apply caramel against hair growth, replace your fingers and a sharp movement in the opposite direction. After the procedure, wash the residues of the mass with water and smear the skin with a moisturizing cream. You will be insane for about three weeks.

Expensive procedures for removing mustache over lip

If finance allow, you can remove the bristles in the beauty salons. What exactly the procedure is suitable for you - a cosmetologist will tell me. The following manipulations are most popular:

  • laser hair removal is the destruction of hair bulbs with laser radiation. The pleasure is expensive, but slows down the hair growth after the first session;
  • photoepilation - hair removal directional outbreaks of high impassive light. Effect - five months;
  • electrolysis epilation - crushing follicle with electric shock. The procedure is painful, helps from six sessions. Result - year.

In order for the skin after events for a long time, we use cosmetics that slow down hair growth. Do not attend the bathhouse, sauna, solarium and do not apply scrubs and peelings.


Folk recipes for removing mustache over lip

Folk drugs help well.

  • Walnut scrub. Grind the shell of walnut, mix with vodka to the state of steep semolina. Screw the hairs with this mixture at night, wash up in the morning. After seven days, the mustache will fall.
  • Soda appliqués. Spoon drinking soda solubite in a glass of mineral water. Moisten a rag in solution, attach it to vegetation, hold two hours. Apply every day for a month, and the hairs will become soft, almost imperceptible.
  • Garlic grax. Take the two cleaned garlic slices, finely finish up to the juice, stick to the roots of the hair for minutes on 5. Rock, smear the skin with a nutrient cream. Regular use of burning masks will keep the hair growth.

Soda 1.

As you can see, remove the mustache. The main thing is to choose the need for you. And then everything is simple: Follow the strictly recipe of the selected method or the council of the specialist, be stubborn, connect intuition and the beautiful faithful face will be a gift for manifested.

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 11/02/2018 at 14:32

I want to get rid of these hateful mustache forever how to do it?

To answer
Diana 02/22/2018 at 12:10

If once and forever, then you need to make laser hair removal. Do not be afraid, it is now everything is available, and in the financial plan and there are quite a lot of salons. I have long got rid of the tools and other hair on the whole body with a diode laser and laser hair removal.

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