How to get rid of hair in intimate places

How to get rid of hair in intimate places

Nowadays, modern girls have to be very difficult. It is important to have time and study, and work, and to keep the farm. At the same time, it is important to well-root throughout the day and night. Each woman dreams of smooth skin without hair, and the bikini zone is no exception. Therefore, we consider how to remove unwanted vegetation in this delicate zone.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - razor

This is the easiest and most affordable method for removing unwanted vegetation in intimate places. Most girls choose this option due to the fact that the machine can be used at home. Modern machines have several blades, thanks to which the shave process is much easier. There are machines with comfortable handles floating heads that allow remove hair easily and simple. But despite this, the razor machine has a huge number of minuses. These are possible cuts, irritation and redness, pimples. In addition, new hair is growing very quickly. So that there is no unpleasant feeling, you need to buy a special tool for shaving, which today is very much. Thanks to the use of gel or foam, the skin softens and the shave process will be much easier. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a moisturizing lotion. There are also means for slowing hair growth. If you prefer the shaving machine, it is important to care for the skin not only after, but also to the process. In this case, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - cream for depilation

This method is also considered a fairly popular means in combating hair. It is distinguished by simple use. First you need to apply the cream on the bikini area, hold a few minutes and remove it with the blade.

The advantage of this method is available in the available cost, as well as in the convenience of use. You will not have any cuts and redness, unlike a razor machine.

The shortcomings of the cream are a possible allergic reaction to some components, unpleasant odor and fast hair rustling. Before using the tool, you need to test the sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of its skin on the skin. If a reaction appears in a few minutes, it is impossible to use such cream.

This method also assumes skin care, namely, after the procedure, it is necessary to apply a nutrient tool. Due to this, the surface will not be dry and irritated, and the hairs will not grow.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - e lecnoEPilator

If you buy electroepilYou can make hair removal at home. Currently, the range of machines is just huge, there are even water. They make it easier to remove hairs.

This method allows you to forget about the hair at least two weeks. But there is one but is painfully. Also can grow hair, and this leads to inflammation of the delicate skin of the intimate area. Therefore, it is better to apply special means that reduce the feeling of pain, for example, spray Iceline. Its freezing action makes the process not so unpleasant. Then be sure to treat the zone with the nutrient. And so that the hairs are not rustic recommended periodically scrabble Skin.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - wax

This is one of the most common methods of haired. The advantage is that they can use at home, but for this you need some skills. To start warm to microwave Wax, apply to the skin area, press the paper strip and pull towards the growth of hair. This method comes rid of the hair for a long time, but there is a possibility of obtaining burns with uneven warming up means. In addition, this procedure is quite painful.
Today, apparatuses for wax heating are sold in which the cassette is placed. The apparatus is then turned on and after a few minutes you get the tool of the required temperature. This requires additional costs, but you will not get burns, and the process will pass easier. Caring for this method is also very important. It is necessary to periodically use scrubs.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - Shugaring

This is a relatively new epilation method, which managed to conquer fans. The disadvantages include problematic preparation of pasta. For this reason, the procedure is best done in the professional cabin. But if you practice a little, then you can learn how to make a paste. For the preparation you will need such ingredients:

  • 1 kg of sugar,
  • 6 tbsp. lemon juice spoons
  • 7 tbsp. Water spoons.

Mix all components in the container and put on a small fire. It is necessary to interfere with the contents until all sugar is soluble and starts foaming. Then pour it all into the container. After the mixture cools, you can take it into the hands and begin depilation. First you need to soften a little mixture, apply to the skin towards the growth of hair and sharply pull into the opposite one. Such a method allows you to get rid of From the hairs quickly and for a long period.

And undoubted advantage shugarring It is that hairs do not rotate. It is impossible to carry out the procedure in the case when burns, irritation and damage are present on the skin.

How to get rid of hair in intimate places - laser and photoepilation

These methods have long been known to all women. They are made in beauty salons, and their cost is quite high. But thanks to them, you can get rid of the hair for a long time, and in some cases forever. Over time, hairs are thinner, slower Growing.

Photoepilation lasts less laser, and at the same time much more efficiently. Like way destroys follicles as a result of light outbreaks on a specific area of \u200b\u200bleather. In the case of a laser, an impact on each hair, which takes a lot of time.

Any procedure you have selected suggests reuse. It can be 3-5 sessions depending on hair thickness. But these species are not all suitable. So, if a woman has blonde hair, then it does not suit photoepilation, and some of the laser begins strong irritation.

For some unwanted hairs in the intimate area are considered not aesthetic, for others - not comfortable, but for third hundreds generally not hygienic. Most women are bothering to enjoy life. The modern world implies compliance with beauty canons, among them and the lack of hairs on the body.

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