Ingrown hair delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations. The skin around it blues, itchs and hurts. The cause of rustling of hair is most often epilation, and sometimes the usual shave. In order to inflammation, the infection does not join and after removing an ingrown hair on the skin there is no pigment stain, it is important to perform the procedure correctly.
Spark your skin and process your problem areas with a scrub. With its help, dead cells are removed, and the hair will turn out to be on the surface. If you do not have too sensitive skin, you can lose her pimples.
Disinfect the place of rotation of the hair with antiseptic solution. For example, cologne, diluted alcohol or acne treatment agent. It is necessary that during the removal of the hair does not affect the infection.
Take tweezers. Before use, it needs to be sterilized - to hold in alcohol or boil over a few minutes. Grab hair tweezers and pull it out. If the hair is too deep, you will have to first use a sterile needle. It is best to take a needle from a disposable syringe. She needs to pick up the tip of the hair so that it goes to the surface. Try at the same time not to damage the skin. Then hair is picked up by tweezers and removes.
In conclusion, the procedure is once again treated with a disinfectant. To quickly disappear irritation, to the place of hair removal, attach ice. If the skin is damaged by the needle, apply a wound ointment on it. Then the wound will delay faster.
So that the manipulation was less painful, you can pre-for days to do wet compresses. To do this, the towel is wetted with hot water, press it well and attach it for 15 minutes to the damaged area. This will soften the skin and bring the increasing hair to its surface.
Remember that the best way to deal with increasing hair is to prevent their rustling. Taking a shower, use a rigid washcloth. Before each shave or epilation, break the skin and process it with a scrub, and after the procedure - moisturize the lotion. Special cosmetics for the prevention of hair rustling are sold.
If, despite the observance of these measures, the hair continues to grow, change the method of removing them. For example, if you use the epilator, try to replace it with wax strips. Break legs and other zones to be depilation, only a sharp blade. To avoid skin inflammation, do not use soap and do not slander "dry". Use gels and shave foam. One can be shaved no more than 1-2 times a week.
Economical girls are usually faced with the problem of increasing hair. Think, maybe you should turn to professionals? After all, beauty salons offer many effective hair removal methods that do not cause such complications.