How to get rid of hair loss

How to get rid of hair loss

There are many reasons provoking hair loss. This is the insufficiency of mineral components obtained from food, side effects of drugs, stress, disadvantageous state of the environment and genetic heredity. With the problem of hair loss facing more than a third of the total population, millions of women and men on earth are trying to fight it. It is still necessary to distinguish the normal amount of hair dropped and that when it already develops into the problem. How to deal with this?

Take care of your hair. On factors such as genetic predisposition or polluted environment, we can hardly influence. However, you can always increase the likelihood of hair preservation in perfect condition. Do not expose your hair with constant thermal procedures as you can less often use hair dryer and curl. Do not paint your hair more often than once every 6-8 weeks. Try only to tangle the roots, and not apply complete staining.

Do not load your hair with complex hairstyles and styling daily. Some hairstyles very badly affect hair health, if applying them on an ongoing basis. For example, very tight tails and braids, hair curlers, especially on a hot-based, and those like.

Wash your head soft shampoo. Regular hygiene can prevent hair loss in terms of lowering the likelihood of infections on the scalp. Use gentle products with neutral acidity and increased protein content. Do not comb wet hair and do not rub them with a towel. Gently laughing the hair with a soft towel to avoid their fragility.

Eat healthy food. It is logical to assume that in a healthy body, as in a single system, everything is normal: from the internal organs to the tips of the nails and hair. Health is largely dependent on nutrition. The most important trace elements and vitamins for hair health:

  • Iron: Both in the liver, beef, legumes, greenery and in pumpkin seeds. Vegetarians more often lack iron.
  • Proteins: have a huge effect on the condition of the hair. Good sources of protein are seafood, white poultry meat, dairy products, soybean, pork clipping, eggs.
  • Vitamin C: participates in the absorption of iron.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: make hair strong and prevent dryness. Sources - fish, walnuts and linen seeds. Do not abuse diets.

Control stressful situations. Stress is able to cause a violation of the work of the whole organism, including to worsen the condition of the hair. Hair loss can be a primary body signal that somewhere you have overdoing and you should relax more. Purchase, try to regularly play sports and sex. Physical activity helps to get rid of stress and improves metabolism.

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Test your hair for problem dropping. Cress in a bunch of a small strand of hair out of 20-30 hairs, slowly, but confidently pull if you have more than six hairs in your hand, most likely there is already a problem. Try folk treatments for hair loss and consult a trichologist or therapist for help.

Methods for treating hair loss. We will not consider the use of medicinal methods, leaving it in the competence of doctors. Of the best folk methods, the following are allocated:

  • Oil-egg mask: Mix olive oil and a pair of eggs, regularly rub this mass in your hair and scalp.
  • Rubbing natural oils: many natural oils, such as sesame, jojoba, rapeseed, coconut, stimulate hair growth and nourish the skin. Use them for a head massage or simply apply the oil with a cotton swab, wear a hat for the shower and leave for about an hour. Next, wash the gentle shampoo.
  • Onions: Few people know that this is an excellent means to enhance hair growth. Onions rich in gray, which improves blood circulation, onion juice has an antibacterial effect and reduces inflammation, makes your hair stronger and opens the closed hair follicles. Grind onions in a blender, add a couple of floral honey spoons and apply a mask on your hair, sticking them to the shower cap for 30 minutes. Carefully smash.

Bring a healthy lifestyle, drop all the bad habits, take care of yourself and your hair, and even in 90 you will rejoice in a beautiful thick tever.

Comments leave a comment
Veronica 10/20/2015 at 9:13.

The onion mask, it is certainly effectively, but the smell ...... especially if the hair is not enough wet under the rain ((((I refused this mask, and found an alternative, this is a series with berries of dwarf palm trees that stimulate hair growth, and restore food and growth, Rinfolutyl Silex. I bought in a pharmacy, and I was satisfied, got rid of the fallout, and the hair grows well.

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Rita 24/01/2020 at 16:27

Personally, I will help me the melting mask Horsa Fors. There is an extract from pepper at the beginning of the composition, so the effect of it is good. And hyaluronic acid is to moisturize hair

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Pauline 16/10/2020 at 10:19

I need to seek the question regarding the hair loss, since the problem is growing like a snowball (((

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Yana Rushin 01/11/2020 at 0:54.

Polina, well, if there is a problem and it is just increasing, it is better to go to a specialist right away. Find a literate trichologist and it will help you. As I have your time to get rid of hair loss) in the Italian line of Hair Vital there are means against losing, shampoo, balm and lotion. I used it all three and the result was very cool !! Exterior hair is generally fantastic, plus the hair does not fall out.

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