Mask from hair loss with mustard

Mask from hair loss with mustard

Mustard for most of us, first of all, is a savory sauce without a hostess in the kitchen. But this plant, among other things, is famous for its healing properties, so that it is often used in medicine and cosmetology. It was the mustard that is considered one of the best folk remedies in the fight against hair loss. This fact officially recognize even trichologists, often writing out their patients in addition to drug treatment, and masks based on mustard, about which we will tell in this article.

What is useful for hair mustard

The healing properties of the mustard lie in its harness creating a stimulating effect. Due to this, hair mustard masks cause strengthening blood flow to the skin of the head and hair bulbs, thus improving the receipt of nutrients in each hairs. In addition, the mustard dries the skin, optimizes the operation of the sebaceous glands and absorbs excess the skin.

Mustard 3.

Mask based on mustard with top oil

Repene oil, like mustard, is widely used to solve problems associated with hair loss. This tandem is one of the most effective means in the struggle for a thick lap. The mustard warms the skin of the head and opens the pores, which makes it easier to penetrate all valuable trace elements contained in the oil.

For the preparation of the mask you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of dry mustard powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water;
  • 2 tablespoons of rapid oil.

Mustard powder in any ceramic (main thing - not metallic) People with warm water. We add to the mixture a plot oil and thoroughly stir up to obtain a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied only on the roots of the hair, and the rest of them can be lubricated with pure rapid oil. We wear a cellophane hat on your head, insulate a towel and keep 30-40 minutes.

Recipe 1.

Vitamin mustard mask

The composition of this mask, except mustard, includes the main "vitamins of beauty" - and e, which strengthen the hair onions, stimulate hair growth and make them stronger and elastic.

To prepare a vitamin mask with mustard, you need:

  • 1.5 teaspoon of dry mustard powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution;
  • 1 teaspoon of oil solution of vitamin E;
  • 2 pharmacy ampoules aloe extract.

We dilute the mustard with water to the state of not very thick sour cream. We add vitamins and aloe extract. We apply the cooked mixture on the skin of the head, turn around the towel and, if possible, keep at least an hour.

Recipe 2.

Precautionary measures

Mustard is a very useful product, but it is necessary to use it for cosmetic purposes carefully not to harm your own health. Here are some recommendations on this:

  • Never use ready-made mustard marshes for masks, but only dry mustard powder that does not contain harmful additives.
  • To avoid allergies, before applying the mask, apply a little mixture on the bend of the elbow and hold 15 minutes. If the skin reacts normally - you can apply on the hair.
  • The feeling of small burning for mustard mask is the norm. But if the burning becomes unbearable - immediately wash off the mixture, so as not to burn gentle scalp.

Mustard 1.

With severe hair loss, mustard masks need to be done 2 times a week. Even when the situation ceases to be critical, it should continue to continue their use at least one or twice a month in order to prevent. Only in this case, the hair will always remain dense, and the problem of the fallout will remain in the past.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 26/11/2018 at 15:15

When the hair was falling out, made a mask with mustard and bought a shampoo of Horse Force based on oat surfactants. Hair stopped falling around in a month

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    Sasha 24/01/2020 at 0:33.

    And the mask of the mask approached the same company. Shampoo good? After the mask, the loss stopped quickly and the hair did not become dry, because It has hyaluronic acid

    To answer
Marina 27/10/2019 at 8:04.

Masks are, of course, great, but I still for an integrated approach. They helped me, but temporarily, but when there were also marine collagen Evalarovsky on a regular basis, taking, then the progress straightly noticed. The hair is less climbing less, and the walking began, healthier as if ... This collagen, by the way, I order phytomarket in the online store, it's more convenient and cheaper. I always take him, because he is a good assistant, unlike others ...

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