Egg mask for hair at home

Egg mask for hair at home

At all times, women cared for their hair with all sorts of cosmetics. Special popularity still enjoy hair masks based on chicken eggs. Chicken eggs are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, B, B2, D, lecithin, a complex of mineral salts and amino acids. Proteins included in eggs restore the hair structure and stimulate their growth. The regular use of chicken eggs in the composition of hair for hair will help to support the natural beauty of your chapels. In this article you will find the most popular and effective recipes for egg mask for hair beauty, which can be prepared at home.

Limon-egg mask

US need 2 eggs, a more precisely yellow from they and half lemon.. From lemon. squeeze juice and stirring with yollats. before uniform consistencies and soft massaging movements apply v prikranova zone, gradually distributing on all length. Over desirable dress up celofanova cap and wrap towel. If caps under hand not find, can take advantage normal foodie film. Resting with mask about 30 minutes, after what simply wash warm water, not using shampoo. This divna mask wonderful removes excess skin sala, great nuts, moisturizes and protects hair from impact surrounding environments.


Oil Mask

For her Cooking must be separated  yolks from two chicken eggs and join them with three tablespoons of oil. Oil can be any, for this mask, suitable as castor, peach, almond, and affordable olive oil. The procedure will be needed for about an hour. In order to wash off the egg mask, take advantage of warm water and natural shampoo. It is good such a mask for weakened and very dry hair.

Regenerating egg mask for all types of hair

Mix 1 chicken yolk, two spoonfuls of castor oil, one teaspoon of glycerol and one teaspoon of vinegar. Vinegar we need a table of 9%. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy. Once the mixture became homogeneous, immediately proceed to the application. If you have dry hair, start at the roots, and then applied to the entire length of hair. For oily scalp Apply the mask, departing from the roots of 2 centimeters. Sheltering his head and rest for half an hour. Then my head with warm water and gentle natural shampoo.

Mask of eggs from hair loss

To prepare this mask, mix two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey and vegetable oil, a little dry yeast and a glass of brandy. The resulting mixture was slightly heated in microwave or by using a water-bath and distribute the hair. Dress cap  and from top to warm towel head. Relax with a mask on the head of at least one and a half hours. Then rinsed with water at room temperature and shampoo. This mask is perfectly stimulates dormant hair follicles and restores the structure of damaged hair. Regular use of this mask is able to eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Egg mask with honey

With the help of a mixer prepare a cocktail of chicken yolk tablespoon of honey, one banana and half a glass of beer. We distribute cocktail hair and go so at least an hour, pre-wrapped head. Hair after a mask will grow better, no longer break and will shine beautifully.

Egg Mask for hair shine

Whisk mixer to foam 1 egg and 100 grams of yogurt. Applied to the entire length of hair, receding from the roots a few centimeters. After half an hour wash off the mask using shampoo. Hair after a mask not only acquire the glare, but will be easier to comb.

Features of the use of egg masks

To during the hair treatment using egg masks you have not had unpleasant moments, consider the following tips:

  • Egg mask is necessary to wash only with warm water. The fact that the egg protein tends to fold at high temperatures and take a strong liking to the hair. wash away this mask is a real problem.
  • It is best to use a medium-sized egg, as they are carried by younger hens.
  • Get involved in egg mask is also not worth it. Excessively frequent use may have the opposite effect - to weaken the roots and cause hair loss and brittle hair. Use masks not more than twice a week.
  • With oily leather, egg masks with vegetable oils should be applied by avoiding the roasting area.

As you can see, an egg mask can be used to solve any hair problem. Mask components can be the most affordable products in your kitchen. Time preparation of such a means practically does not occupy. But the result will not make himself wait long, and health, life force and natural beauty will come back to your hair.

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