About the value of vegetables, which are constantly present on our table, we know almost everything, but that the most frequently used of them can be replaced by expensive cosmetics, do not even guess. Here we will tell about Luke, how to use it to improve the condition of the hair.
What is useful to hair bow
The juice contributes to the acceleration of growth, the restoration of bulbs, strengthening the hair. All due to the presence of trace elements and vitamins in it are simply essential for nutrition. It is enough to name only some of them:
- potassium and calcium;
- magnesium and iron;
- phosphorus and sodium;
- maltose and fructose;
- protein and sucrose;
- vitamins RR, C, B, D, E.
In the composition of Luke there are burning substances, which, irritating hair onions, stimulating them, make their hair grow faster. Therefore, with the use of Luca it is possible to solve such problems as:
- dandruff;
- baldness;
- elevated fatness and dry hair.
How to get rid of the smell of onions
Along with the obvious benefit from the use of Luke there is one, but very large minus is a steady and very unpleasant smell. Because of this feature, many refuse such an effective way of treating hair.
Preventive measures
This problem is also solved, you only follow some rules:
- juice Fix very carefully so that no particle of pulp on the hair;
- masks supplement the lemon juice, the flesh of the banana, you can drop a little brandy or 5 drops of lavender, rosemary, lemon, orange, tea tree of essential oils;
- wash off the onions from the hair slightly warm water, and when rinsed, add a little apple vinegar to water.
Special masks
Even after the precautionary measures taken, the smell remains, the following masks will help:
- Heat the kefir and wept in it a bit of henna, add 1 tsp. Dry mustard and drops of 7 essential oil. We distribute the mixture of hair, we leave for 1 hour and wash off.
- We take 1 big spoonful of honey, 2 yolks, 5 drops of essential oil, mix and apply on hair. We wash in an hour.
- We divorce 1 tablespoon of henna in hot water, mix, leave for 15 minutes. After applying for hair, we withstand 20 minutes and wash off.
- We mix honey, pulp the bread of rye, a little lemon juice and a few drops of aromatic oil. We apply immediately after washing off the healing mask from the bow.
Several onion mouse recipes
To prepare masks apply onion juice, husks and green feathers. To produce the juice, the onions are rubbed on the grater, placed in the blender, turn into a cleaner, then pressed.
Mask Stripping from Green Luke Feather
If you often paint your hair, and you also make a chemical twist, then a rigid lack of hair is formed on the head, poorly combing and non-laying. An ordinary green bow will come to the rescue:
- my feathers are finely cut;
- we skip through a blender to form a lamb cask;
- apply a mask on the roots;
- burn with polyethylene and towel;
- we wash at the incident of the hour.
Luca and garlic mask to restore hair cover
This mask is very effective in baljes. A mixture of onion and garlic juices has a beneficial effect on damaged follicles, restores them. Having passed the full course, you can return your own, sometime thick, tech. We prepare a mask as follows:
- we take 40 g of onion and garlic juice, 1 yolk, 20 g of repaid oil and brandy;
- mix all the components;
- we apply on your head;
- hold 0.5 hours, wash off.
Bow and kefir against hair loss
The mask is also good because it does not have a characteristic onion odor due to the presence of sulfur in essential oils present in Luke. We prepare a kefiro-onion mixture:
- measure 1 part of the joke and kefir juice, add 1 yolk;
- mix;
- lubricate your head;
- withstand 0.5 h;
- we wash without applying shampoo.
Bow with honey
With intensive hair loss, use a mask of onion juice in combination with honey. She is suitable for everyone, except for those who have allergies to the second component. So, cooking masks:
- take 4 teaspoons of onion juice and 1 tsp. honey;
- we mix everything and apply on your head;
- we will withstand 0.5 h. And we can, without applying shampoo.
Lyuboy husk
Long husk is an effective means for strengthening hair of any type. After such a mask, the hairstyle becomes a lush, volumetric. So:
- we take 25 g onion husk;
- insist 1 hour;
- fix, add the same amount of honey, 50 g of repeal oil and 3 tablespoons of boiling water;
- we apply on your head;
- withstand minutes 20;
- we wash off.
Mask for volume
It will be possible to make a bulk hairstyle of thin hair, if one time in 7 days do such a mask:
- take 3 large spoons of juice extracted from Luke;
- add the same spoonful of honey;
- 2 h. L. shop mayonnaise;
- pour in a mixture of 2 h. l. olive oil or castor;
- grate the mass into the scalp;
- put on a cap from polyethylene, and on top of a towel;
- wash after 1 hour.
Bow against dandruff
If dandruff appeared, then 2 times in 14 days is recommended to apply the following mask:
- mix 2 tablespoons of vodka, a large spoonful of onion juice, spoons 2 of the ray oil, if the hair is dry;
- we apply on the roots, insulate the cap, withstand for about 30 minutes;
- we wash off with shampoo warm water.
Without any fears, use a bow for the preparation of healing hair masks and be always beautiful.