Garlic hair mask

Garlic hair mask

Garlic is used to treat colds, but few people know that it can be used in cosmetology. Garlic hair mask will saturate curls with vitamins, magnesium and calcium, free from dandruff and stop the loss. And from the unpleasant smell of the mask, the rinseur from natural products will save.

How garlic affects the condition of the hair

Garlic leads in the number of useful plant components. It includes calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium, as well as essential oils and biologically active components that prevent the growth of the number of bacteria. Garlic is rich in vitamins of groups D, C and B, due to which it is able to treat various diseases of the skin and strengthen the hair follicles. The effect of garlic mask on the curls is manifested in the following:

  • regeneration of damaged hair;
  • prevention of premature baldness;
  • acceleration of curl growth;
  • reduction of inflammation and itching for diseases of the scalp;
  • elimination of dandruff and peeling;
  • preservation and enhancement of shine of hair.

Garlic masks recipes

If you do not have time to prepare multicomponent hair masks, use simple recipes.

Garlic mask without additives

Take a few garlic cloves and open a special press. Rub the crushed garlic into the surface of the head for 35-40 minutes, and then diligently rinse the curls with shampoo and the rinse against the smell. Repeat the procedure for two weeks daily.

Hair alcohol garlic

Take 2-3 garlic cloves and cut into small pieces. Pour two glasses of vodka and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Wipe your head and hair with tincture daily before bedtime. In the morning, rinse your head with shampoo.

Recipes of multicomponent hair masks

Different ingredients are added to the garlic masks based on garlic - lemon juice, sour cream, honey and others. The most common recipes for garlic masks: from dandruff, from premature hair loss, from oily shine, for forced hair growth.

Falling masks and gray hair

To make a mask, harvest fresh garlic and olive oil in the ratio of parts 1: 1. Grate the garlic on a grater and pour oil. Rub the slurry in the head for 5 minutes, and then wrap the curls with a turban. Use the mask every 4 days for three months.

Garlic mask against oily shine

Mix the components until a homogeneous state:

  • lemon concentrate - 1 spoon;
  • crushed garlic - 1 spoon;
  • blue clay - 2 tablespoons.

Dilute the mixture with water at room temperature so that it resembles sour cream by density. Apply the mask to unpeeled hair under a warm towel for half an hour. During this time, the components will nourish the curls with vitamins and put the sebaceous glands.

Mask from dandruff

The mask is preparing for honey. You will need:

  • fatty sour cream - 1 spoon;
  • natural honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • tick -borne oil - 1 spoon;
  • cut garlic - 2 teaspoons.

Pour the oil into the honey and add sour cream. Stir evenly with a spoon and add the garlic. Use the mixture 1-2 times a week, the duration of the procedure is up to 25 minutes.

Garlic hair mask

Clean one head of garlic and rub finely. Add one tablespoon of fresh honey to the resulting gruel, stir and smear the hair. Rinse the composition in an hour. The mask accelerates hair growth, and at the same time compacts their structure.

Garlic mask with egg

Another mask that promotes hair elongation. For cooking, separate two yolks and add one teaspoon of aloe juice to them. After mixing, pour into the composition of a tablespoon of gruel from garlic and the same amount of honey. Distribute the prepared mixture through the hair and wrap your head with a towel. Rinse in 30 minutes.

Way of getting rid of smell

To avoid a specific aroma of garlic from the hair, after using any mask, rinse the hair with balm. Cooking method:

  1. Take a tablespoon of powder mustard and add a tablespoon of vinegar to it.
  2. Stir with two tablespoons of lemon juice with two tablespoons.
  3. Dilute the mixture with a liter of water.
  4. After washing, rinse your head with a mixture and rinse again under the tap.

On some types of hair, the smell remains even after using the rinseum, so for the first time make a mask when you are sure that the next day you do not plan an important event or business meeting.

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