Mustard hair mask at home

Mustard hair mask at home

Mustard is known not only as a culinary seasoning, but also as a stimulator of hair growth. The mask on its basis prevent hair loss, guarantee a beautiful hairstyle.

Therapeutic properties of the mustard

The mustard received his qualities thanks to the sharpness - the substance annoys the skin of the head and with it the roots of the hair, which causes their growth and does not allow loss. For the procedure, only powder is suitable, do not buy mustard in a semi-liquid form. In the finished product there may be unwanted elements for the skin or the opposite are low-oat.

General Tips for the use of mustard

To make the mustard mask brought the desired results, hold the rules for handling it:

  • Not all powders have the same properties, the products of different manufacturers may differ - mercilessly burn or, on the contrary, is ineffective.
  • For procedures, choose "evil" mustard.
  • Lubricate only the skin, leave your hair clean - the mustard is dried.
  • Mustard masks harm sensitive skin.
  • Water for cooking only heated, hot provokes the release of toxic substance, harmful to the skin.
  • Prepared mass disposable, repeatedly do not use - mustard insisters, and after the next procedure you can get a burn.
  • Long-term wearing mask can lead to a skin burn, hair cutting and dandruff.
  • Zaguya mustard soften with rapid or olive oil.
  • In order for the mustard does not dried her hair, add sour cream, eggs, honey, etc. Dairy products are added to the mask for sensitive skin.
  • After mustard, the skin becomes sensitive, so we wash it off with warm water.

Hair Growth Mask

Need for 2 tablespoons. l. mustard, vegetable oil, 1 part. L. sugar and one egg yolk. Sugar enhances the burning, so use 1 spoon of sugar, further increase the dose if the effect is weak for the first procedure. All components of the pour into a bowl, pour 2 tablespoons of warm water and mix. Lubricate the skin of the head of the weight, put on top of a plastic bag and a towel for 30 minutes. If a strong burning sensation - stop procedure. Wash the head with warm water and shampoo. Do not use a hair dryer, hot air is more dry up hair. The course of treatment depends on the hair. For oily hair - 1 in every 5 days for dry - 1 time in 10 days for normal hair - 1 time in 7 days. The course lasts 1 month. If necessary, take a break of 30 days and repeat the course.

If you have dry hair

Prepare mustard (1 tbsp. Spoon) polstakana yogurt, 1 egg yolk. All pour into a glass and add water until the consistency of thick cream. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair on the ground. Cover your head with a plastic bag and its Wrap a warm towel. Calmly sit 20-40 minutes and wash off all the head with warm water, you can not shampoo. Use detergent, if instead of the yolk added burdock or olive oil.

Mustard against oily hair

Mix 2 tbsp. spoons blue clay and apple vinegar, add a mixture of 1 teaspoonful of mustard powder. Apply the cream to the hair and endure half an hour. Wash off after 30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair stay clean for a long time.

firming mask

Need honey, yogurt, mustard, measure out equal amounts. Honey-heat, add the rest of the products and mix. Add the cream is all that can enrich a mixture of vitamins and make the hair volume - aloe juice, rosemary oil, burdock oil. Fully lubricate the hair cream, cover them with plastic film and a thick towel. Stay in this way an hour, then wash your head.

During mustard follow safety procedures, otherwise you can burn the skin or get the sensation of contact with the eyes.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 11.25.2018 at 12:44

Effective mask. I even did a head massage and shampoo hors Force on the basis of oat pav bought. Hair grown from the shoulders to the blades

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Anna 01.22.2020 at 16:50

I liked the melting mask Horse Force. With her hair began to grow faster sparkled smoothed

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