Repentium hair mask at home

Repentium hair mask at home

To restore the structure of the hair, giving them the brilliance, enhancing the growth and preventing the fallout. Experts advise to apply the plot masks. The main component of such a mixture is the roots and fruits of ordinary burdocks, of which they make a dipstick oil. You can buy it in any pharmacy compartments, and its cost is low. The effect of the mask is impressive.

Beneficial features

If we regularly apply burdock masks, even strongly damaged curls will get former freshness. Experts recommend their use after curling, staining, lightening hair. This product has a cumulative effect on the structure of the hairproof. The longer you will make masks, the better will be strands. Useful friction trace elements have a healing impact on the scalp. Thanks to them, blood circulation is enhanced, the exchange is improved, damaged hair lows are awakened and activated. As a result increases hair growth, and they become dense.


The masks whose binding includes, is shown both for dry, brittle hair, and for normal and fatty strands. They have practically no contraindications. Is that individual intolerance to one of the components of this mixture. That is why, before applying a mask, make a test. Apply to the fold of the elbow a bit of the plot consistency and leave for a while. If after some period you will have a rash, itching, redness, then this composition cannot be applied. You do not receive benefits from such a procedure, but on the contrary - aggravate the problem.

How to apply a ray mask

You decide that you need to bring your weak hair in order using a mask from the buried, then observe all the following tips, the result will not make yourself wait:

  1. Apply the composition on the scalp, then do it all before washing strands before washing. Top on the lap with a plastic bag and wrap the terry towel at an hour.
  2. After an hour, I wish the head of the shampoo well, sometimes this process has to repeat several times, the mask is badly washed off. For this you will have to stock free time.
  3. The frequency of the procedure is twice a week, and it is possible and more often. The effect you can notice in a month and a half.
  4. For prophylaxis, it is enough to use the masks with the ruin once a week. With severe hair problems - apply the composition on strands after one day.

Recipes masks

At home, it is possible without much effort and costs to prepare a lot of masks, which includes a burdock:

  1. Folk mask: Take on a large spoon of honey, shampoos, juice from a bulb and a rapid oil. Mix all the components in the bowl and impose on the hair.
  2. This composition helps well from hair loss: Take two large spoons of aloe juice, honey and friction oils, mix well, then apply immediately. It is desirable to keep such a consistency at strands about two hours.
  3. So that the hair strengthened their height, make a mixture of brandy, friction oil, egg yolk. To achieve uniform mass, take the composition. Keep at least one hour on curls.
  4. As a weekly hair care, use a mask from castor oil (two large spoons), reurenik (2 art. L.), Vitamins A, E (one part).

To get rid of hair problems, it is necessary to systematically apply masks from the buried. For one or two procedures there will be no effect. More, in addition to the care of the strands, it is necessary to comply with the correct meal and drink vitamins every day. Such an integrated approach will provide you with beauty, health, shine Kudrey.

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Pauline 24/01/2020 at 0:42.

Instead of a rapid oil, I started using Horse Fors Mashers Bathing and I like the result much better.

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