Henna hair clarification

Henna hair clarification

Giving a lighter shade is definitely a risky hair health procedure. But many women in pursuit of beauty do not pay attention at all. Dreaming to become a fair-haired, there is a chance to damage your curls and get as a result ugly yellowness. Therefore, as a clarifying substance, more and more people choose a hu. This dye is one of the most ancient, which has been used for many years. At the moment, Henna is a good replacement for chemical paints that do not care about the condition of the hair.

Advantages of henna

In such a folk remedy, there are many advantages, compared with chemical powders and other substances manufactured in industrial conditions:

  • Eliminates the appearance of dandruff skin of the head;
  • Eliminates itching and irritation;
  • Has a cooling effect;
  • Qualitatively paints gray hair;
  • Holds back hair aging;
  • Contributes to the growth of the hairproof;
  • Makes hair beautiful, healthy and stronger.

What a henna choose

Simple natural henna for high-quality hair clarification is not suitable for its properties. It will be better if you use a special, so-called white hu. It can be purchased in special purpose stores and in many pharmacies of your city. However, even with all its healing capabilities with any color pigment, you need to be careful. Incorrect preparation of white henna to the reflection process can significantly spoil the hair and even the skin of the head. But if you do everything right, your hair will evenly paint in the desired shade and the result will look beautiful and well-kept.

White Hen.

If you decide to purchase a hnu, then among many variations of packages, you will probably notice that each manufacturer notes its grammers in the recipe. It all depends on what success you want to achieve. Therefore, a unambiguous recipe for such a henna is not. With all thoroughness, learn the instructions before starting.

Whom White Henna does not fit

Like any coloring agent, white Henna is not universal for all types of scalp and hair. Who does not fit:

  • Two days before the clarification stage, tested to an allergic reaction on the skin area. If they did not find anything, then white henna can safely use. However, if it is noticeable redness or itching it, it is better to refuse this tool.
  • Do not use henna, if after painting did not pass one month.
  • It is not suitable for those who have sufficing dry hair.


To begin with, you need to accurately assess how much white henna should be used for clarification. It is necessary to proceed from the length of hair and the shade you want to achieve. You can find out a detailed amount on the packaging of the purchased tool.


Thoroughly my head and hair, having fun for a better effect of henna.

Henna and Water

We mix the desired amount of henna with warm water or use a water bath. Thoroughly stir until the formation of a homogeneous mass.


Features of applying:

  1. We apply a hnu throughout the length of the hair, in all strands;
  2. Exceptional attention paying hair roots;
  3. We wear a hat from polyethylene on the head, and cover with a towel from above.
  4. Hold the tool for 20-30 minutes (see the instructions).


Conventional water thoroughly my hair (without using shampoo). Be sure to apply healing balms on the scalp and curls.

Some Soviets

When lightening hair henna, pay attention to such tips:

  • If you need to paint only the roots of your hair, then the hens should be applied only for not painted part of the hair. It is necessary because, with the secondary application of the coloring agent, there is the likelihood of uneven staining and the appearance of unwanted spots.
  • If you brought the hair in advance with hydrogen peroxide, then you should reduce the holding time of the henna on the head.
  • If you have previously been made by the chemical curling and hair industry, it is worth getting rid of this part of the hair or not to use a huhu for clarification. After all, it can contribute to the formation of spots.

The use of henna for lightening hair someone may seem like a fairly simple process, but in fact it turns out that with this means you need to be very careful. Before you start, read the instructions and follow it in the future.

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