Henna is an excellent natural alternative to chemical paints. It gives hair a rich redhead color with a beautiful copper tint without disturbing their structure, but on the contrary - providing a strengthening effect. However, such natural beauty has one nuance - the henna is very difficult to wash off. It is difficult, but maybe. How to do this, read in our article.
Practical Henna Waste Tips
If you decide to abandon the image of the fire-red kiss, or the first experience of painting henna gave not the result you were counting on, consider - the earlier you start the wash, the greater the chance to wash off this natural dye completely. Therefore, if after staining has passed for several weeks, most likely the henna already "bodied" into the structure of the hair, and it will be almost unreal to get it from there. Immediately make a reservation that it is risky with chemical colors, since as a result, you can get a surprise in the form of extraordinary shades - orange or green.
Oil masks for cleaning henna for any type of hair
Natural masks based on natural oils - a good tool for washing the paint of any origin. In relation to the henna, such masks will not bear it completely, but the brightness of the redhead will be removed and the hair color is as close as possible to the original "sources". To do this, you can use such oils as castor, olive, linen or burdock. A little heightened the well-chosen tool and apply for 1-1.5 hours to the hair under the film and towel. To enhance the effect, it is possible in 5 minutes before the mask is superimposed to moisten your curls with alcohol or laminate with the economic soap (but the soap foam before applying the oil should be washed). Oil masks shampoo for fatty hair or a tool with polishing properties.
Henna Oil Mask with Dry Hair
To get rid of red-colored after painting dry hair, make a mask according to the following recipe: Mix 4 tbsp. l. 2 types of natural oil (castor and repeal) with 2 egg yolks and add mustard powder (1/3 hours l.). All mix well, apply on the painted hair, cover on top with a hat for a shower or a food film and envelop the head towel. After 60 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse acetic solution (at the rate of 1 st. L. Vinegar per liter of water) or water with the addition of lemon juice.
Henna washes with oily hair
Wasteners of hair, prone to fat, will suit the mask-wash with cosmetic clay (blue or white). It must be mixed with kefir (or spoken) in such a proportion so that in the end you got a mixture, similar to the demembered. Apply this composition on the hair for 2 hours. Immediately after the staining procedure, it effectively triggered into the hair of the alcohol tincture of red peppers, after which the head should be covered with a film and a towel for 20 minutes. Both procedures finish your head wash with shampoo. At the same time, be prepared for the unpleasant side effect of such masks in the form of cutting hair.
Henna Washing Methods with Normal Hair
You can remove the hu from normal hair in the following way: Mix the crude yolk with 50 ml of brandy and apply a mixture on the hair for 60 minutes using the same film and towel. Rock composition need shampoo. It is possible to apply with the same goal. It is possible to use fermented sour cream or kefir with yeast. The first product is applied like an egg-cognac mask for 1 hour, a mixture of kefir with yeast (1 cup and 40 g, respectively) - for a couple of hours. There is also a way to weaken the rhizer after henna using vinegar, for which dissolve in a large capacity with water 3 tbsp. l. Vinegar and lower the hair into it for 10 minutes. After that, wash your head with shampoo and apply balm hair.
Coloring hair
If the listed methods did not give the desired result, the color of the hair can be corrected using hair recipe or toning. Apply for this chemical paint without consultation with a specialist is not recommended. If you consider an acceptable darker caramel shade of hair, use another natural paint for neutralization - bass. To do this, make the tool and hot. Apply it on dry hair for 20 minutes (if you decide to brew bass with olive oil - then for 30 minutes). For a beautiful chocolate tint on her hair, overlapping them with a mixture of henna and natural ground coffee in a 1: 2 ratio.
Wash it difficult to wash it difficult - the result will depend not only from the method you choose, but also from the structure and condition of the hair. But before you think well, is it necessary to refuse such a "fiery" image? After all, the red-haired girl never gets lost in the crowd.