How to wash off paint from hair at home

How to wash off paint from hair at home

Modern girls, following beauty and fashion, conduct various experiments in their image, including with their own hair. But sometimes the expected result is not very successful. If an inappropriate skirt or blouse can be given a girlfriend or sister, then what to do with the tone of the hair? Washing paint by folk remedies will help cope with this problem, additionally cured and strengthening damaged curls.

How to wash off paint with hair soda scrub

The whitening properties of the soda powder allow you to get rid of even from the spots of the most impaired, why not try it to lighten the hair? Mix 15 tablespoons of soda with 1 glass warm purified water. The resulting scrub will evenly dispense the hair with a sponge or combs. Tighten into a plump and hide for 35 minutes under a polyethylene film. It is undesirable to withstand the soda mixture for more than 1 hour, curls can purchase stiffness. After the time, rinse your hair under running water and use balm. The result will not make yourself wait long, after 3-4 procedures you will achieve the expected effect!

How to wash the paint from the hair with a kefir mixture

An efficient kefir mixture can also be applied to lighten the hair on 1-2 tones. The effect of the product is equally according to the effect obtained by purchased acids. Kefiric acid destroys the chemical elements that are part of the dyes, and then dishes without a trace. Also kefir additionally nourishes and moisturizes curls. So, we will need 1 liter of kefir, the floor of a glass of vegetable or olive oil, 2 st. Supplies of a cook salt and 3 tbsp. Spoons of fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a separate container, then apply to the dried hair. The kefir mixture must be withstanding about 1.5 hours, then washed away.

How to wash the paint from the hair with a rapid oil

The best method for washing the paint is mitigating oil with alkali connection. To prepare the clarifying mixture, we will need: a little bit of oil, 1 tablespoon of soda and economic or arable bar. Distribute soaps on a shallow grater, add the rest of the components and apply on your hair with a cotton swab. Take the curls to the polyethylene film and insulate the terry towel. Hold the mask for about 50 minutes, then rinse the shampoo well.

How to wash the paint from the hair with honey

Very useful, leveling and brightening tone of hair mask using honey. The components included in its composition are similar to the bleaching action of hydrogen peroxide. In addition to getting the desired shade, you will strengthen and impair the painted strands. Before applying, rinse the hair with shampoo (without the use of Balzam) and wash. Sweep the curls with a towel and apply a slightly heated honey. Wrap your head with a film and tightly tie a light shelter. Do not warmer strongly, clarification must occur at low temperature. It is necessary to withstand the mask for 8-10 hours, after which you wash. If after the first procedure you did not achieve the desired result, repeat the honey session 3-4 times, with an interval of 1-2 days.

How to wash the paint from the hair mayonnaise

Completes a list of funds to help clarify hair - mayonnaise. The mayonnaise product can be rightfully called Panacea almost from all troubles with hair. Of course, you can take advantage of the purchase product, which is present in abundance on trading shelves. But it is better to prepare it yourself, without adding spices and chemicals, harming the structure of the hair. He is preparing simply, with the help of a blender to take 1 yolk chicken egg, a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, 150 grams of sunflower oil, floor of a vinegar spoon and 1 teaspoon mustard. Mayonnaise is ready! Abundantly lubricate them all strands, warming up and leave for 3 hours, then smash. Whitening effect will be noticeable from the first application.

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