How to paint your hair at home

How to paint your hair at home

A fine sex representatives who wish to look stunningly pay special attention to their hair. In addition to masks, balms, they need to choose the right color and shade for hair. But there is always time and the opportunity to contact the beauty salon. Today we will look at how to paint your hair at home.

How to paint your hair at home - Selection of color and shade

Take the choice of hair dyeing seriously. After all, your appearance will depend on this choice. It is very important to pick up the color and shade for the hair, which is ideal for the skin color, eye. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a study on the selection of color. Take advantage of the wigs of different colors or download your photo into the application where you can change the hair color. In this way, you will clearly select the color of the paint, which is ideal for you.

Useful tips:

  • black color old, he is recommended to use young girls;
  • if you wish to paint your hair into a dark color, choose the brightest shade of this paint;
  • bright colors quickly burn out in the sun;
  • redhead color does not cope with the painting of the seeds;
  • use balms to protect the color.

How to paint your hair at home - paint selection

  • If you color hair regularly, try to use the paint of one brand. Since the difference in components can make their own adjustments.
  • In the case of the first staining, choose a certified paint of a well-known manufacturer.
  • Read carefully recommendations on the box containing paint. The recommendations indicate which length one paint box is intended for. For short hair, half and half, and for long - two, three boxes.
  • When choosing paint, pay special attention to additional qualities. To overpay for the ability to paint the seeds, there is no need if you do not have it.
  • The price may affect the presence of a balm that can be included. In cheaper options it is missing.
  • Choose colder shades for hair painting at home, as warm shades are unpredictable as a result of the work done.

Hair painting at home

For painting hair at home it is necessary:

  • Hair dye.
  • Brush for painting.
  • Comb.
  • Cape.
  • Gloves.
  • Bold leather lubrication cream on hair growth line.

Before starting painting hair, carefully examine the instructions for use. For hair coloring, we make the following actions:

  • we thoroughly mix the components of the paint to a homogeneous mass;
  • thoroughly comb hair;
  • we share all hair for four halves, left, right, frontal, occipient;
  • apply the paint originally on the roots across the head;
  • adhere to the homogeneity of the layer;
  • apply paint throughout the length of the hair;
  • we are waiting for 20-30 minutes to paint paint hair;
  • wash off;
  • rinse with shampoo;
  • apply balm.

If you first want to paint your hair at home, experience the paint action on one strand. Coloring hair is needed on 2, 3 day after washing the head. Draw paint needed on dry hair.

  • Sometimes you need to paint only hair roots. To do this, it is necessary to prepare paint and with the help of a special brush to apply on the roots of the hair. The residue of the paint with the help of combing hair is on the entire length of the hair. After 20 minutes we make water, foam, rinse with shampoo. For a more saturated color you need to rinse only with water.

  • For staining of long hair, first apply paint with the help of brush on the roots of the hair, then we divide the hair on strands. Gradually, for each strand we apply paint with a comb. After that, we collect all the hair into one bunches and put on the hair of polyethylene. After 20-30 minutes, we wash the paint with water, we rinse with shampoo, apply balm.

Useful advice

  • Do not add shampoo, balm, etc. into the composition of the prepared paint.
  • Protect eyes from paint.
  • Use gloves.
  • Be sure to wash off the paint at the specified period.
  • If there are any damage on the head of the head, you need to postpone this procedure.

Coloring hair at home can be quickly, cheap and easy if you adhere to the above tips.

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