How to paint gray hair

How to paint gray hair

Sedina is able to appear at any age. This may be preceded by experienced stress, or simply manifests a genetic predisposition to an early solution. Today we will talk about how to paint gray hair.

If gray hair is a couple of pieces, then you can use toning agents to a natural color or shedding shampoos. For a large number of seeds, such funds are not suitable, but several silver hair will be completely hidden in your hair. Tint agents will give gray hair with another shade, and they will not be so noticeable, but it is not a fact that the color of the seedy coincides with your natural color. Usually, the packages of such funds indicate how suitable they are suitable for tinting gray hair in percentage ratio.

The structure of the gray hair is somewhat different from the usual hairs, which is why it is not so easy to paint it. You can contact the hairdresser, where you will pick up the desired paint and crush the seeding, and you can paint at home. If you select the coloring agent, carefully read the instructions - manufacturers are usually written on the package, whether this product is suitable for the painting of the seed or not. It is recommended to pick up the paint on one or two tones darker than your natural color. Staining of gray hair is a rather complicated process, as they contain air bubbles that they do not allow melanin - a staining substance. Be prepared for the fact that the paint can lie very differently on gray hair and have to keep it on her hair a longer period of time.

If gray hairs have just started to appear, you can paint separate strands of hair - that is, to make a rise, or pick up some asymmetric haircut - it looks very impressive.

Want to paint gray to the maximum - choose the paint to the tone to your hair. The chestnut shades have proven very well, which almost everyone has proven to face that broth-colored pigments are most effectively painted with seeding. But red, copper or purple tones on the contrary - do not guarantee the full painting of gray hair.

Alternatively, you can highlight gray hairs in your hair in silver tones or a tint of ash blond. Then use special shampoos and masks for painted hair - a beautiful brilliant chapel will not spoil a single woman. As the brightness loss is loss of color, you can apply a special coloring shampoo if the roots of the hair still sink early.

There is a type of gray, which is very difficult to paint, and in such cases for effective staining use some tricks, namely:

  • The use of a bristle mixture: connect two parts of the dye and one part of the hair oxidizer, which guarantees the full painting of the gray hair.
  • Applying 3% or 6% oxidant before painting for 10 minutes to open hair for better penetration of the coloring substance. Get laugh with a towel after this time, and you can apply paint.
  • Start painting from the temples and the dark area of \u200b\u200bthe head, as there is the most gray hair. Starting painting from the greatest cluster of the seeds, you automatically increase the duration of the paint.

If you find silver threads in your hair, then do not hurry to get upset. First of all, it is an excellent opportunity to experiment with your appearance by changing the color of the hair and hairstyle. Stained with gray, you fill in the pigment formed emptiness, thereby strengthening and weighting gray hair, and painting will only benefit your hair.

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olga 04/01/2016 at 20:17

very interesting and useful recommendations

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Irina Melnikova 12/12/2019 at 21:17

I am even not at a retirement age, but the hair is already gray. Therefore, we paint only from proven stylists, more precisely, now I have alone. I do not experiment anymore and drive only in Les Mains d'or on hair coloring, haircut and leaving. I am satisfied with this salon! Prices, location, stylist experience and friendly atmosphere!

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Pelagia 05/05/2021 at 10:24

In fact, this is the truth, it is a torment ... She said that this option is the best price and quality ratio. Gradually, it helped bring hair in order. Sedina does not climb anymore and I have no more problems.

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