How to use shallow hair

How to use shallow hair

Magnifier for hair uses basically relaxed youth, which is ready to change every day without spending a lot of time. It is the chalks that make it possible to create a completely original way and know that tomorrow he can be more cooler.

What do hair chalks look like

They are two species. Long colored shelters resembling crayons for drawing on a school board or asphalt. With these small hair, hair is painted, underwing under the strands of a tight sheet of paper or on the weight, holding a stretched strand of hair with his hands.

In the form of round boxes, inside of which there is a coloring composition, by consistency resembling solid eye shadows. These crayons on the hair are applied by clamping between the boxes of the box painted strands.

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For which hair fit crayons

You can absolutely any hair: long and short, bright and dark, soft and hard. It is not worth experimenting with the hair of an African type (hard curcored). On the lush chapelur, multicolored strands will look not too attractive, but will resemble a multicolored veil stack of hay. But if you really want to try, then you need hair before handling straighten.

Stages of coloring

So that the result of staining was the best, follow these rules:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry them with a hairdryer or natural way.
  2. Take a special cape on your shoulders or old sheets so that the dust from the chalk is not stained with clothes and skin.
  3. Separate hair strand, which is going to paint, moisturize it with a small sprayer for water and twist in the harness.
  4. Place a tight paper sheet under a wet strand and begin to lead a shallow hair towards their growth.
  5. Wait until the painted strand dries, and then fix the result with a hairpin.
  6. Color and subsequent strands stain in the same way, but only after complete drying of the previous one.

You can paint the hair on yourself and on your own, but it is better to help your girlfriend. This is especially true if you are going to paint a lot of strands and make extravagant hairstyle.

What hairstyle make from painted strands

Painted strands are absolutely nothing but color, do not differ from ordinary hair. Therefore, hairstyles on your head you can do any. Good looking a variety of colored braids and hair bows.

Clear can add visual airiness airiness short or long hair if you apply them to the tips.

With the help of chalk, you can even try to try on a completely extraordinary image, if you paint absolutely all hair with one color.

How to choose the color of chalk

Color chalk choose depending on personal preferences and the image, which was conceived. If you doubt the choice, then pay attention to the chalk palette at the time of the year. If you know your female type, then choose the appropriate shades of chalk will not be difficult.

How often can I use crayons

Shakes for hair in their composition are artificial pigments, which, with too diligent use, drag and thin hair. It is because of this, the shames need to use not very often. After you remove the chalk paint from the hair first with the combing brush, and then wash with shampoo, be sure to apply a moisturizing mask.

Shameles for the hair are wonderful suitable to young girls who are going to play a fabulous role in a home performance or take part in the presentation on a children's matinee. Mom can independently create a completely incredible image for his little princess or to take it into a salon, where they have hair staining services with small hair.

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