Hair mask with banana

Hair mask with banana

If your hair has lost the former shine, the ends have become brittle, then to restore them, make a mask at home with a banana. Such procedures will not only strengthen the strands, and you also get a lot of pleasure. After all, the banana has an amazing property - he is able to produce a hormone of happiness, so one-another piece does not prevent the useful mask in the process of cooking.

Properties of banana masks

These fruits contain natural oils, vitamins, potassium, carbohydrates. Thanks to this, hair acquires a new life, become resistant to the effects of external factors. After systematic application, you will notice that the strands are strengthened along the entire length. Even damaged by regular drying hairdryer Kudri will restore its former beauty. In addition, the fibrous pulp of the banana favorably acts on the skin of the head, because of this there is an increase in hair growth.

Recommendations for cooking

If you explore the reviews of girls, then many complain that the soft pieces of the banana are very difficult to wash off hair. This incident happens with those representatives of the fine sex that do not know all the subtleties on the use of banana masks:

  1. First do not buy for the procedure surpage bananas with black peel.
  2. The strands should be clean and wet at the time of applying a mask.
  3. Before preparing the nutritional composition, clean and cut the fruit with round pieces.
  4. Grind the banana in a blender so that the mass turns out how sour cream is uniform and without pieces.
  5. Check the composition hypoallergenicity, spread the mask on the wrist and see if there is no side effect on the skin. To do this, wait for the reaction conversion somewhere for thirty minutes.


When the mask is prepared, proceed to the phased application of the composition on the strands of the hair. It is necessary to do this in the following order:

  • as mentioned above, the hair before the process must be washed and not dry to the end;
  • after that, take the cream-like mixture and cover your fingers into the head of the head;
  • plunge the comb with rare teeth into the cooked mass, spread your hair, evenly distributing the banana mask on the strands;
  • when the composition is on the hair, put on the polyethylene cap, and on top of a towel;
  • half an hour look a favorite series;
  • for washing off the nutrient mass, there is a lot of running water, but before that, on the strands, apply balm;
  • to make the hair clean, wash your head and shampoo;
  • such procedures will be needed only ten, with a periodicity of one or two per week.

Recipes masks

If you wish, you can apply a mask with only one banana and no constituents are no longer added. But if you want to double the effect, then use the combined formulations.

For dry hair

A quarter of a cup of sour cream add yolks of one egg, one spoonful of honey and a puree of one banana. Then all the ingredients thoroughly mix the blender.

For growth intensity

Add a whipped mass of a banana Add to a mixture of three large spoons of fatty mayonnaise with one spoon of olive oil.

For oily hair

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the deep plate, add a dessert spoonful of honey and puree from one banana - all mix and use.

Mask with sea salt

One tablespoon of crushed sea salt Mix with a banana in a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Using this composition, you normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and the growth of hair lows.

After reading the article, you learned what is banana masks and how to apply them. Now you can do without the help of cosmetologists and at home to care for hair.

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