Homemade Hair Masks from Eggs

Homemade Hair Masks from Eggs

Surely every woman heard from mom or grandmother, that in ancient times they were soapped with eggs. They did it from the fact that the shampoos were in short supply. But this forced measure was "on hand" - the hair looked lush and beautiful. Let's and we will try to use eggs, but in the form of masks - they are wonderful to take care of the hairproof. In addition to external beauty, eggs make hair with strong and hardy.

How many eggs need to mask

Masked is usually used only raw yolk. It must be taken on short hair - 1 pc., On the middle length - 2 pcs., Long - 3 pcs. The remaining ingredients must be increased proportionally. All our recipes will be described for short hair. Separated from yolk protein can be applied for other purposes.

How to make masks

So that the mask was effective, it must be done correctly:

  • Mask apply on washed wet hair.
  • Processed hair cover with a polyethylene cap and wipe the terry towel.
  • Mask hold at least one hour if other exposure time is not specified in the recipe.
  • Flush the mask by the needed water. If there is honey or oil in the mask, then it is necessary to use a neutral shampoo.
  • Hair after washing the mask is dried naturally without applying a hair dryer.
  • Hair masks make 2-3 times a week, and they can be alternate.

Mask for enhanced hair growth

It is necessary to be confused to a homogeneous state of 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of cognac. Before applying the mask on the hair, pour into the mixture with a spoonful of warm olive oil and mix again. Cognac is allowed to replace any other high-quality alcohol (vodka, brandy, whiskey).

Mask for dry hair

For masks, you will need: yolk (1 pc.), Medical glycerin (1 tsp.), Vinegar 9% (1 tsp.), Castor oil (2 art. L.) Mix the glycerin and caster, then enter vinegar and At the end - yolk. First, half the mask must be applied to the roots, hold it for 15 minutes, and then curtail through all hair. During sinking on hair, you need to apply the rest of the mask. Total exposure time - 30 minutes.

Hair strengthening mask

This mask will suit those women whose hair falls out very much. You should take a teaspoon of the dipente and castor oil and mix them with a yolk. Pour lemon juice (2 hours l.) And apply mask only on the roots. The mask can also be used to combat dandruff.

Mask in baldness

We hope that our readers are missing this problem, but it can be from their men. Usually, men lose their hair so intensively that they are formed and propellage. Such a mask is suitable for them: honey (1 tsp.), Yolk (1 pc.), Olive oil (1 tbsp. L.), Cognac (1 Coffee spoon), dry yeast (pinch). After mixing the ingredients, it is necessary to wait a bit so that the yeast is separated into the mask. Mask hold on his hair for 20 minutes, and make it preferably every day 10 days in a row. Repeat the course after 1-2 months.

Mask from split tips

Mix the yolk, 2 spoons of liquid honey and half a glass of beer. Apply a mask on all hair, especially carefully processing tips.

Mask for brilliance

Mix yolk with milk (1 tbsp. L.) And drip into a mixture of one drop of any essential oil: geranium, lemon, pink, patchouli, cedar or other to choose from. Total oils need to take three types.

Washing hair eggs

If you do not have time to make masks, but there are hair problems, then try using hair washing eggs. Fresh yolks need to beaten a wedge in a foam. Then wet your hair well and carefully wrap in them yolk. Hold it on the hair of 5 minutes and wash, using first clean water, and then acidified with lemon juice.

For any mask, only the freshest eggs are used, the so-called dietary. The term of their storage is only 7 days, and in them most useful for hair substances (fatty acids and vitamins).

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