How to use squirrels from eggs

How to use squirrels from eggs

In cooking there are cases when the recipe requires a whole egg, but only yolk. As a result, we get a ready-made dish and unclaimed protein. But he also has a use, and not only in the kitchen.

The most delicious use of protein is a baking meringue. On 4 protein you will need a glass of sugar and a little vanilla. Formed cake tomatoes in the oven at a minimum temperature for 1-2.5 hours.

If frying fish, chops, cauliflower or other products, proteins are appropriate to use in a grain. Traditionally, water and flour are added to it. For some dishes, you can make a carcar with olive oil and salt.

Ready baking can be decorated with protein icing. Sugar and lemon juice are added to the proteins, turning it all into a thick foam.

From proteins you can cook a thin omelet with greens, cut it straw and add to vegetable or fish salad. Such an original decision will give newly familiar dish and intrigues guests!

Egg protein will come in handy in cosmetology. Specialists recommend doing a face mask protein. This tool will help to get rid of oily shine of the skin, unwanted pigmentation, will not allow the peres to be blocked by mud. But it is contraindicated to people with dry and extremely sensitive skin. There are many recipes for protein masks. What to cook - choose yourself, based on those components that are available at hand.

It turns out that proteins can be frozen! So we get a great and useful product for long-term storage. Proteins should be placed in molds for ice and send to the freezer. When they need, defrost cubes at room temperature.

Egg protein is a protein in its pure form, which is found in nature extremely rare. Therefore, it is necessary to use it as much as possible, because it is simply indispensable in the human body!

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