Face mint how to use

Face mint how to use

Our face feels the need for constant hydration, nutrition and recovery. To do this would be beneficial to use different means of the herbs that have medicinal and tonic properties. One is mint. Despite the fact that in most cases we are accustomed to observe the plant as a component of tea or soft drinks, still mint has a wide range of beneficial effects on the skin. Let us consider how to use herbs to achieve the desired effect.

How to prepare yourself mint

Ready herbs offered in retail outlets are not always of good quality, and very often we run the risk to buy a fake. Therefore, learn to harvest the mint does not itself become superfluous. To do this, remember a few effective tips:

  • If you have a garden plot, where it grows mint, you can stock plant at home. In the absence of the garden acquiring recently torn appearance mint sellers.
  • To tear mint, take a knife or scissors. Cut off the leaves can be as individual as well as the whole plant with the stem.
  • Harvest time must necessarily occur prior to flowering, ie, pick the mint stands no later than June or July.
  • Before drying, do not forget the mint with water.
  • Drying should be carried out on the street, but not in the sun and in the shade. Or you can place the plant in a room with drafts.
  • The crumbling of the stems and leaves symbolizes the end of the drying process. Gently shift the dried mint in a glass container and allowed to demand.

Properties for face mint

Mint - unique herb on the content of all the necessary materials for the face. To include the basic properties of the plant are as follows:

  1. mint leaves concentrated vitamins that cleanse the skin of impurities at the cellular level, tones and strengthens blood vessels person, give your skin anti-aging effect.
  2. Vegetable masks made of mint contribute to the smoothing of all irregularities on the face and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Mint brazers will help to remove any irritation on the skin and cool the surface of the dermis, which is subject to the activation of inflammatory processes.
  4. Mint performs a regenerating function, therefore, with constant use, dead skin cells will quickly restore, and our face becomes fresh and elastic.

Features of application

When using mint, follow these recommendations:

  • Before applying mint, it is advisable to make a test for intolerance to substances. It is enough to anoint the means of a skin area on hand and wait no more than an hour. If the skin on hand remains unchanged, it means it is possible to continue using mint.
  • If we want to make a mask, then we will only fit fresh mint. The dried form of the plant applies only for decoctions and infusions.
  • From the face to flush the mask should be at first warm, and after cold water. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of mint. Washing with infusion or decoction does not imply further kneading skin with water.
  • Be sure to apply masks to clean the face from makeup.
  • Standard Mint Mask Mask Time is fifteen minutes.
  • The mint procedure is recommended to perform once or two per week.

Forms of applying mint for face

Mint It is possible to apply in the form of a mask, infusion, decoction and ice cubes. To obtain infusion two tablespoons of the dried plant, we pour half liters of boiling water and insist about half an hour. The decoction is prepared in the same proportion, while boils on fire for at least ten minutes. Infusion and decoction are filtering before the face washed. For the summer time of the year, the use of ice cubes is relevant. To make them, sput the mint infusion on a special form and send to the freezer.

Fresh mint masks are useful to combine with such ingredients as cucumber and lemon juice, honey, strawberry, egg yolk, sour cream. In this case, the selection of components depends on the type of skin of the face.

As it turned out, the use of mint for the face is very simple and efficient. The plant does not carry any side effects and is very affordable. However, to achieve the expected result, you should not forget all the rules and tips described above.

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