Combined leather - from whimsical: on the forehead, nose and chin, it requires some cosmetics, for the cheeks - others ... Let's talk about masks that can be prepared at home. We wake the skin delicious!
How to apply a mask at home
First of all, you need to comply with the technology of masks:
- Before applying the mask, clean the skin, preferably a scrub, or at least use the gel for washing. Clean skin absorbs all useful substances.
- Masks for combined leather hold on the face of 15-20 minutes, if another is not specified in the recipe. At this time, relax, plunge or sneeze.
- Wash the mask with cool water. You can also use mineral water, green or chamomile tea.
- After the mask "Secure the effect" - apply a moisturizing cream.
Nuances of using homemade masks:
- Homemade masks can be applied only on healthy skin.
- Use the masks if possible regularly - once a week or more often.
- Avoid areas around the eyes where the skin is too tender.
- If peeling appeared, dryness or vice versa flames after using the mask, it means that it does not fit you.
- The mask is desirable to check for allergies. Apply a drip of the finished means to fold the elbow, and after a few minutes, rinse and follow the reaction.
- Do not use natural fruit juices or fruit flesh, if you have dry skin on your cheeks, as this will lead to an additional cutting.
Combined Skin Mask Recipes
Consider which masks can be used for combined skin at home.
Cleansing masks
Cleaning is one of the main tasks when caring for combined skin:
- You will need 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and milk. Instead of milk, you can use kefir or decoction of daisies and plantain herbs. Mix the ingredients into Cashitz, apply a thin layer on the face.
- 2-3 Clay Teas Spoons Fill Lemon Half Juice, add 2-3 drops of alcohol. This "cream" apply exclusively on areas that require thorough cleaning - acne and contaminated pores. Hold the mask for a maximum of 10 minutes.
- The next mask is a good means of seborrhea and furunculese. Fill 1 tbsp. A spoonful of grass with a chalf in boiling water, insist for an hour. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of rice flour. After 40 minutes, remove the mask, purified skin moisten the broth of the Jeroba or mint or purchased tonic.
- Yoghurt mask is one of the easiest and harmless. Besides 1 Art. Spoons of low-fat yogurt Use 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry yeast and a little soda. The mask will not only clean the skin, but also help relieve inflammation.
Restoring masks
Assist the skin of the face to relax from cosmetics and street dust:
- Take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of non-fat curd and milk, mix until homogeneous.
- Pumpkin spoke for 20 minutes. Scroll to homogeneity, add starch and olive oil. Stir. Draw a thick layer.
Whitening masks
Masks based on kefir, parsley, lemon will not only reduce excessive tan, but also slightly brightened pigment stains:
- Apply a thin layer of kefir on the face. As soon as he is dried, impose a new layer, and for 25 minutes.
- Mix in equal proportions of milk, parsley juice and lemon. Apply the resulting fluid on the face and cover the marvel bandage. Wash out salted water.
Nourishing mask
Everything is very simple: Mix the potato mashed potatoes with milk.
Toning masks
Quickly and for a long time will lead the skin into a shiny look:
- 1 tbsp. A spoonful of manna porridge mix with honey and vegetable oil (and the other - on a teaspoon). Distribute the resulting mass with a yolk of one egg. Pour 1 tbsp. Spoon of grape juice, add salt (on the knife tip).
- Fresh coconut milk (1 tbsp. Spoon) Mix with honey and oatmeal (by a teaspoon). This mask will not only "take up" the skin, but will help her to be rejected.
Soothing mask
Take half the lemon, 1 tbsp. l. Grass sage and dry rose hips, a couple of mint leaves. Pour boiling water, half an hour boil on a water bath. Having cooled the cake to lay out for gauze and attach to the face. Cover the face with a terry towel: the best thing such a mask acts in warmth.
Homemade masks for combination skin will help in solving a variety of problems. You will be able to moisten dry areas and save fatty from an excessive salary, increase skin tone, whiten and rejuvenate it.
I have a combination skin, but mainly, still, dry. Masks of all sorts of different tried ... Usually did not help. While I did not start the body from the inside to help-drink now the courses of Haluronic acid Evalarovskaya (I take it, because the production of Swiss and dosage is good), well, I try to drink more water during the day. Thanks to this, the skin really became transformed - now it looks much better than before)