Lemon mask

Lemon mask

It is a pity that not all ladies boast the perfect condition of the skin of the face. Someone with age appear dark spots, and some annoyed red-haired freckles that begin to "blossom" on the face in a warm time. Each woman fights this in different ways. We will tell about how to bring skin into order on their own using vitamin mixes with lemon.

Exposure to lemon on skin

Core vitamins - Lemon copes perfectly with the following issues on the face:

  • eliminates inflammation, acne, because in fruit there is vitamin A, folic acid;
  • vitamin C contributes to the production of elastin, collagen, respectively, your skin becomes elasticity, and small wrinkles disappear;
  • potassium normalizes the balance of moisture, the process of activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamin K. effectively copes with unwanted pigmentation.


Lemon juice is very sour, so it can act aggressive on sensitive skin. Finding into any mixture for the face, the active effect of the juice is transmitted to it. Therefore, be careful, applying masks with lemon, and give up them if:

  • you have an allergy to this fruit;
  • there are neoplasms of various etiologies;
  • do not use the mask and in the presence of wounds, cuts.

Cosmetologists are recommended before applying a vitamin mask to the skin of the faces to make a test. Apply the composition on the wrist and see if there is no irritation, if everything is in order, you can use the mixture without any concerns. However, despite a series of contraindications, lemon compositions are useful for ladies who have inflammation (acne, acne), pigment spots, tired, fading skin, disturbed the balance of the sebaceous glands (oily skin).

Skin on the face

Rules for applying compositions with lemon

All masks with this fruit are effective if you are right to apply them. And the recommendations are pretty simple:

  1. It is not necessary to add to the composition of shifted products that have been lying in the refrigerator for more than one day and are absolutely not suitable for use.
  2. It is better not to prepare a mixture of the future, make them immediately before applying.
  3. Before use, clean the skin of the face, then reach the maximum result.
  4. It is advisable to conduct procedures in the evening.
  5. Hold on the face of the mask no more than twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water, squeeze the cream.

Masks with lemon

Depending on the type of skin, you can choose the appropriate composition for use.

Nutrient mixture with honey and lemon

In the water bath, heat the honey to the fluid state, squeeze juice from lemon. In a separate ass, you mix three large spoons of honey and as much lemon spoons. The mask is suitable for clarifying pigmentation on dry skin, keep it on the face you need 15-20 minutes.

Mask with milk

Buy fresh yeast and milk (2.5-% of fatty). Heat the drink and place five spoons in a plate, add 15 grams of yeast there, mix the composition, then add two spoons of lemon juice, mix and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Use such a composition to improve the condition of the skin, is allowed to apply for different types of epidermis.


In the dishes pour kefir, about three tablespoons, and a drop of five to seven drops of lemon juice. Mix content. Lubricate your skin and hold the nutritional composition for fifteen minutes. After several inflammation procedures begin to retreat.

With egg protein

Take the protein in the mixer when it turns out a lush foam, add 4-5 drops of juice from lemon. The mask is suitable for fatty skin.

If you become regularly once a day to make masks, the result will be immediate.

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Dasha 11/10/2020 at 12:40

Still, a mask with citrus fruits are not suited to everyone. I personally fell a mask with lemon to the skin very much, so I don't have anything like that ... Yes, I removed all the masks, I decided that I would help the skin from the inside. I take a hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya (I order her in the online store phytomarket, it's more convenient) and try to stick the drinking mode. The skin is perfectly smooth and smooth))

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