Facial kefir mask: recipes

Facial kefir mask: recipes

All people know about the benefits of such a healing drink as kefir. This is a good tool that not only normalizes the processes in the body, but also helps to improve the skin of the face. Due to this natural product, the skin is sewn with useful components and becomes elastic, elastic and white. Kefir is suitable for any type of skin of the face, you can use them at least every day.

What useful masks from kefir

The use of masks is felt literally after seven-day use. Thanks to the chemical compounds that are present in the drink, even fading skin will acquire former freshness. What components are available, read below:

  • from acne pyrical, pyridoxine effectively acts effectively;
  • niacin will help to get rid of uneven pigmentation on the face, he also blends skin cover perfectly;
  • vitamin E is almost all known for its rejuvenating, reducing effect for the skin, after its impact it will become shining, as in his youth;
  • biotin, Tiomin soothes irritation and possess an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • retinol enhances the synthesis of collagen, prevents the aging of the skin;
  • vitamin RR, Riboflavin contributes to the smoothing of the formed wrinkles, improve the metabolic processes.

Kefir masks - indications, contraindications

After thirty, you need a special care for the skin of the face. Masks from this drink are useful for all fair sex representatives:

  1. Thanks to the daily care with the help of kefir masks, your face will look fresh and young even after forty.
  2. Young mask girls will help to get rid of acne, acne.
  3. Dry skin kefir masks moisturizes.
  4. Fat - fit.
  5. Sensitive to get rid of all sorts of irritation.

Kefir contraindications do not have a hypoallergenic product. Therefore, if you feel irritated, it may be allergic to another product, which is part of the mixture.

Best Recipes for Dry and Normal Skin

There are many recipes for making kefir masks, only you need to take into account your skin type. After all, some are intended for oily, and others for dry skin, etc. So, for dry, the following mixes will fit:

  • Take carrots, clean the juice from it, mix with a quarter cup of kefir and a tablespoon of cottage cheese, at the end add an incomplete spoon of vegetable oil, apply to the skin for 20 minutes and scatter.
  • Fill with boiling water (0.5 art.) Two chamomile chopping, stir a quarter of a cup of kefir with a yolk, pour chamomile tea there, also apply to the skin for 20 minutes, after the procedure, the skin will become white, moistened.
  • 0.25 Cups Kefir Mix with 24 grams of dry yeast, apply a thin layer to the skin for 20-24 minutes, then rinse.

Masks for oily and problem skin


  1. Take two large spoons of low-fat kefir, add a small piece of black bread, the floor of a teaspoon of honey and a spoon of vegetable oil. After its use, you will disappear the fat shine.
  2. Care in the pharmacy chamomile, calendula and sage. Add to the cup on a teaspoon of these herbs and pour boiling water. After 40 minutes, mix tea (4 large spoons) with kefir (4 tablespoons) and at the end add flour 1 spoon with a slide.
  3. From black dots: Make a mixture of 1 large spoon of lemon juice and the same amount of castor oil, add a little salt, flour (for density).

Such a relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated method, any lady will be able to improve its appearance, you only need to highlight a little time. And your tired skin will get a healthy and well-groomed look.

Comments leave a comment
Olesia 06/12/2021 at 18:58

Try now still find a real kefir .... Slept fake. Accordingly, it turns out you do not even know that you put it on the skin, it is already minus ... And I prefer proven masks and creams, but, of course, I drink Evalarov Hyaluronic Acid. The dosage is high 150mg, and along with collagen so generally gives a super suspend effect.


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