Masks for problem skin face

Masks for problem skin face

About 40-45% of young people under the age of 25 and up to 85% of schoolchildren from 13 to 18 are facing the skin problems in the form of acne and rash. Somewhere 10% of the population suffers from problem skin throughout life. There are many cosmetic procedures, medical drugs and cosmetics designed specifically to solve such problems, but the most proven time and personal experience of mothers and even grandmothers remain homemade masks that we will tell below.

How to choose a suitable mask recipe

The Internet is replete with many recipes, but not always what helped one will be useful for others. To select the composition of the mask in each case it is necessary individually, based on the complexity of the problem itself and the reasons that caused its appearance. Some masks, due to its composition, have a drying effect, curable from acne and acne, others - "work" to prevent. They narrow the extended pores and eliminate the excess skin, which is a favorable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Carefully apply to the ingredients used in the preparation of masks. Many of them can cause allergies, so before applying to the face, the prepared product should be tested on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, for example - on the wrist. In any case, it is better to initially consult with a dermatologist.


Aspirin-based mask

Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of a conventional aspirin, has long been successfully used in cosmetology.

Aspirin-based mask has the following therapeutic properties:

  • well cleanses the skin from pollution;
  • narrows expanded pores;
  • dry and treats skin inflammation;
  • prevents the emergence of new rash.

Recipe: 4 aspirin tablets shred to powder, dilute with water to the state of thick casher and mix with several drops of liquid honey. Instead of honey, you can add some olive oil, lemon juice or a tablespoon of natural yogurt without additives. The mixture must be kept on the face of 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask 3.

Cucumber mask

Due to the fact that the cucumber is 80% composed of water, cooked from it the mask perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin, and also solves a number of the following problems:

  • narrows pores;
  • relieves redness;
  • eliminates small pimples;
  • eliminates black dots on the skin.

Recipe: 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice mix with blue clay before receiving consistency in thick sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face and keep until the clay is completely frozen, after which we wash. Cucumber juice can also be mixed with one egg squirrel and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Such a mask to obtain the optimal effect is desirable to wash off mineral water.

Mask 4.

Medovo-Luk Mask

Honey and onions are two natural vitamin bombs with bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Thanks to this, their benefits for problem skin is as follows:

  • promotes rapid skin regeneration;
  • clean the foci of inflammation;
  • they dry and disinfect pimples;
  • moisturized, fill the skin with vitamins, rejuvenating face.

Recipe: 1 tablespoon of liquid bee honey mix with the same amount of onion juice. This mixture is in pure form we apply only to problem areas, before applying to other areas of the skin wept the purified water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Mask 6.

The key to the successful application of all these masks is the regularity of procedures. Strict adherence of the recipe, some patience and perseverance - and the result will be on the face in the literal sense of the word.

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