Facial skin care at home

Facial skin care at home

The skin of the face of girls should always be well -groomed. However, not everyone has time and money to visit expensive cosmetology salons. And often because of this, ladies let everything on its own, forgetting about the beauty of skin tissue. You should not do this, because caring for the structure of the skin of the face is possible at home. Moreover, such procedures will not take much time, they will bring you a lot of pleasure.

How to properly carry out skin care?

To make proper skin care at home is not so difficult. The whole process can be divided into five steps:

  • facial cleaning - includes washing, preferably soft water, skin scrub, steam baths;
  • toning or, in other words, the reassurance of skin tissues after cleaning them, lotions are used for this, tonics, etc.;
  • moisturization - the procedure is completely simple, you can moisturize the skin when driving with ordinary water, oils, creams, etc.;
  • nutrition - as a rule, feeding is carried out at night with creams, masks, night or nutritional;
  • protection - the skin of the face is required to protect against aggressive factors of the external environment (sun, cold, frost).

Skin care. Cleaning and tonic face

These actions are best carried out in the evening two to three hours before bedtime. You have to let your skin breathe and take a break from cosmetics. Wash, use makeup removal products that are suitable for your skin type. Once every seven days, use a scrub to clean. Just keep in mind that it is contraindicated for girls with problematic, sensitive skin and in the presence of all kinds of rashes. Toning is the final cleaning process and is done in order to maintain moisture, to avoid drying out the skin of the face.

Moisturizing and feeding creams and home -made masks

To moisturize, nutrition of the skin, useful products are used that contain vitamin compounds, trace elements, fatty acids, etc. Next, consider the recipes for such facial compositions.

Honey mask for nutrition of the skin of the face

Take one dessert spoon of honey, add to the bowl. Pour two large spoons of the pulp of sweet green plum or pear there. And pour one spoon of aloe juice, two tablespoons of oil oil. Put the mask on the skin for 15-23 minutes.

Apple mask for any skin type

Bake two small apples in the microwave. Then clean them from the peel. Take 50 g of pulp, mix with one egg. Beat the mask with a blender, put on your face, rinse after 17-23 minutes.

Moisturizing mask from grapes

Take two large spoons of grape juice, fatty milk. Mix the components well. Light your face with a cotton swab. Leave the composition on the skin for about 22 minutes. Subsequently, rinse with warm, pleasant water.

Face protection

So that in winter, your skin does not suffer from the temperature difference, in the summer - from the burning sun, in the spring - from vitamin deficiency, in the fall - it was well prepared in cold weather, it is necessary to use protective creams, masks. It is good if, in addition to nutrients, you will also monitor proper nutrition, consume a sufficient amount of vitamins.

As you can see, skin care does not imply the purchase of a large number of expensive cosmetics. If you are not lazy, then you can independently make vitamin compositions. The effect of them will be noticeable not only to you, but to all others.

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Valya 12/11/2019 at 10:54

For the time being, I didn’t even use creams for the skin at all, and then I suffered .. now I buy all the new cosmetics, I drink Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid, omega 3 and all that .. I spend a lot of this concern, but the skin says only thanks, and only thanks to it, and only thanks This is undoubtedly very happy and worth it!)


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