In order to clearly clean the skin, open the pores and remove the dirt, simple washness and purification of the face with tonic not enough. For all these purposes, the procedure is applied. Sparking is one of the most important stages of facial cleaning at home. The result of this procedure will be clean, smooth, shining skin with health.
Sparking not only makes it easy to clean the deep layers of skin from fat and dirt. This procedure also heals the skin. Under the influence of steam expanding the pores, and from them you can remove commemoons - the so-called black dots. All skin secretions are dissolved, hasty plugs, flakes of already measurable skin peel. Couple has a beneficial effect on the face, reducing inflammatory processes.
Each type of skin requires its approach. Golden skin needs deep purification up to two times more often than dry. Thus, it is necessary to unpack the oily skin at least once a week, while dry will be enough two times a month. Combined type leather should be deeply cleaning every 10 days.
Prepare hot water for sprinkling. The optimal temperature for this procedure is 50 degrees. Such water will create the desired number of steam and at the same time will not be too hot to damage the capillaries on the skin. Conventional boiled water is suitable, however, for additional care, we recommend adding herbal infancy or essential oils. Any medicinal herbs and oils will benefit from the skin, but you can familiarize yourself with the properties of certain substances and create a real wellness and aromatic complex for your skin.
Before breaking the face well and clean it with tonic.
Tender eyelid skin protect with a fat cream. If you have dry sensitive skin, apply the cream to the whole face.
You can proceed directly to the breaking process. Tilt the head over the pots of water and cover your head with a towel so that the couples climb only over your face. For convenience, we collect long hair in the tail. Depending on the type of your skin, continue the procedure from 5 minutes for dry up to 20 minutes for oily skin.
Immediately after breaking, continue cleansing the skin, which takes place in several stages. Gently squeeze all pollution from the pores. Soften the skin with tonic or decoction of medicinal herbs. Apply your usual cream.
There are alternatives to sparing, which act on the skin in the same way, that is, deeply clean and open the pores, heal the skin and have an antibacterial effect. These methods for those who are simple mechanical breaking seems to be a complex process or whose skin is too sensitive to the effects of steam. These are compresses and special sparking masks. For compresses, moisten a cotton napkin in hot water or infusion of herbs and attach to the face until its cooling. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. Separating masks can be found in the cosmetology departments of stores. They contain extracts of medicinal berries, herbs, cream, zinc, clay, marine minerals.
Under all the rules, spilling will make your skin clean, matte, shining.