Steam bath for face

Steam bath for face

Deep cleaning of the skin is the key to a beautiful smooth color of the face and a good appearance. Not everyone has the time and opportunity to visit the cosmetologist, but some procedures can be carried out independently. This applies in particular to steam baths.


The procedure is a kind of sauna for the face. The effect of steam at high temperatures has a positive effect on the skin. The blood circulation is improved, thanks to more active sweating, the slags and toxins occur, the pores are expanded and the pores are cleaned. If you make a procedure with various additives, such as essential oils or herbs, then get therapeutic effect.
Steam bath can be made by a separate procedure, as well as skin preparation for mechanical face cleaning

Technology Procedure

At home, you can make baths using a special machine, and you can use the screwdriver.

We will need:

  • pan or any other deep dishes;
  • hot water 70-80 degrees;
  • face towel;
  • dry or fresh herbs, essential oils;
  • from 5 to 15 minutes of time.

Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to clean the skin with tonic or wash the cosmetic soap or gel. Take 2-3 liters of water and heated to the desired temperature. Collect hair in a bun, put the water in front of him, covering his head with a towel on top and lean over a pan of 20-30 centimeters. If steam burns the skin, it is necessary to slightly cool water, so as not to get burned.
If you want to add herbs, the pre in the same volume of water, pour the dry grass at the rate of a tablespoon to two cups of water. Then you need to bring to a boil, remove from heat and allow to cool to an acceptable temperature for the skin.

If you want to add the essential oils, try to start with 5-7 drops and look at the reaction of the skin, in any case, do not add more than 10 drops at a time, to avoid irritation.
Alternatively, you can combine herbs and essential oils. To do this, you need to brew less steep decoction and add two times less oil.

After graduation, you can wash cool water or wipe the face with ice cube. It is also worth considering that after such a procedure, the skin is well located for masks and creams that are better and more actively affected at this moment. So this is an excellent opportunity to please your face and a nutrient mask after deep purification.

Skin Type and Steam Bath

Such methods of purification are suitable for almost any skin. Do not do, however, of which she has very sensitive, the blood vessels on the face, irritated skin or strong inflammatory processes, as well as who suffer from asthma or cardiovascular diseases are expanded.
Type of skin causes the duration of the procedure, frequency and selection of additives. It is advisable to make it with dry skin, it is advisable to do it no more than 1-2 times a month, the same, who has fat, combined skin, can safely delight their skin at least every week.

For dry skin, enough for the beginning and 3 minutes. Follow the skin reaction, you can bring up to 5-7 minutes. For this type, the following herbs and oils are suitable: chamomile, rose, dandelion, orange, jasmine.
For oily skin, it is permissible to bring the time to 15-20 minutes. From additives it is preferable to choose a chamomile, mint, calendula, grapefruit, melissa, a tea tree.
Normal and combined skin should be "soar" with no more than 10-15 minutes with the addition of chamomile, mint, rosemary, lavender, etc.

This procedure is useful and will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your skin, the main thing is not to overdo and carefully approach the preparation and selection of additives.

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