Oat scrub for face how to cook

Oat scrub for face how to cook

Oatmeal is the most valuable storage facilities. It contains indispensable micro and macroelements, vitamins, organic acids. Oat scrub for face is an ideal means of cleansing for representatives of the beautiful floor, which really take care of their appearance. Its mild gentle effect is incredibly effectively, even compared with the purchased means, and the benefits are consistently higher. After all, oat scrub for a person cooked from fresh natural products does not contain harmful substances: dyes, fragrances, technical oil and others. And to cook it at home is very simple.

Homemade Sensitive Skin Scrub

If your skin is prone to inflammation and irritation, intolerant to temperature and humidity drops, please it with one of the variants of the gentle cleansing scrub:

  1. For the first recipe you will need a tablespoon of oat flakes with a slide. Grind the flakes to the state of flour, then take the protein of one egg and take it into a foam. Stir oatmeal with protein and add a tablespoon of liquid honey. This is an excellent tool that will help carefully clean and restore sensitive skin. Before use, check the scrub on an allergic component, anointing with a small amount of wrist skin.
  2. For the next recipe, only two ingredients will be required: oatmeal and milk. They need to be carefully moved until the mixture becomes consistency as thick sour cream. Apply a scrub on face and slightly massage the circular movements along massage lines. Wash it with warm water.
  3. Clean the half of the fresh cucumber and overtake it to the state of the Cashitz. Add oats flakes in the size of the tablespoon and as much homemade natural yogurt. Scrub ready.

Oat scrub for face with dry skin

These recipes can be used both for dry and fading skin, since over time the epidermis is thinned and becomes prone to dryness:

  1. Take twenty grams of oat flakes and pour them with carrot juice. When oatmeal elevates juice and swell, drain the residues of the liquid, and apply the mixture on the face, gently following the massage lines. Mass the skin for at least five minutes. Then thoroughly wash - carrot juice can paint the skin if you leave it longer.
  2. For the next recipe you will need to abandon oatmeal in flour. Take one tablespoon of material, as much liquid honey, a teaspoon of natural apple vinegar and as many ground almonds. Mix all the ingredients. Before applying scrub, make a steam bath for the face. Apply the mixture on the skin and wait until it dry out. Remove the scrub using a cotton swab dipped in water.

Oat scrub for oily skin

The following recipes of scrubs will help to bring fatty skin to the norm:

  1. Mix on the tablespoon of rice and oatmeal and add yogurt. Apply the scrub on your face with massage movements, hold five minutes and carefully massage the skin. Then wash the mixture with warm water.
  2. A teaspoon with a slide of ground almonds. Connect with a squirrel of one chicken egg and a teaspoon of prostruck. Add to the mixture half a tablespoon of oat flakes. Scrub is ready for use.

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Oatmeal scrub for all skin types

This scrub gently cares for the skin of any type, carefully cleaning it, rejuvenating and protecting against the negative impact of environmental factors. For his cooking, you will need the flesh of fresh pumpkins, carved into Cashitz. Take a tablespoon of the pulp and mix it with a teaspoon of ground oat flakes. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and as much flour from walnuts. Apply a scrub on massage lines, then rinse with warm water.

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Oatmeal scrub from acne

One of the most unpleasant problems with which the girl may encounter - the appearance of acne on the face. If this problem is familiar to you, it is worth visiting a doctor, since the reasons for their occurrence are most often lied in violations of the body. At the same time, do not forget about cosmetic procedures - the use of oatmeal scrub can help significantly improve skin condition. Mix in equal proportions flakes, rearranged almonds, orange and lemon zest. The mixture should be powdered. Divide it with water if you have oily skin, or vegetable oil - if dry. Mass the scrub problem areas. Then dispense the mixture on the surface of the skin, wash in 5 minutes.

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Oat scrub for face is a simple and effective skin care tool. Just a few sessions will help return your skin health and beauty. Try!

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