How to clean your face at home

How to clean your face at home

Every day, a variety of stimuli affect the skin of the face: sunlight, wind, different air temperatures, cosmetic and hygiene products, physiological processes in the skin, etc. As a result of this, pores are clogged, the respiratory function of the skin is impaired, which leads to various kinds of irritations, its appearance worsens. In this regard, it is very important to carry out periodic cleansing of the skin of the face. To save money on a trip to the cosmetologist, carry out this procedure at home.

At the initial stage, it is worth taking care of removing makeup with special products, for example, milk. Rinse cosmetics with soap is not recommended, so as not to cause dry skin and accelerate its aging. Rinse the remnants of the product with warm water.


In order for the pores to be more willing to clean, it is necessary to expand them, acting on them with steam or moderately hot water:

  • determine the skin type and, in accordance with the result, prepare a herbal decoction;
  • pour it into a container, tilt your head over it and cover it with a towel on top so as not to let a couple go out;
  • steam processing should be carried out for 3-10 minutes: the fatter the skin, the longer the effect;
  • if such a procedure is not suitable for you for some reason, for example, you have eye diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, then refuse it in favor of the gauze mask;
  • take a cut of gauze, fold it in several layers, the size should be sufficient to cover the whole face, you can add a thin cotton layer, cut the holes for the eyes and mouth, dip it in a hot broth and put it on your face for several minutes, but not more than 8 .

The next stage is mechanical facial cleaning. It can be carried out using special sticks and spoons for removing black dots or squeezing with your fingers. Make sure that the instrument is clean and disinfected to avoid the infection inward, which leads to the inflammatory process on the skin. To reduce the risk of skin damage with nails, wrap your fingers with a sterile bandage. Next, with massaging movements, apply a scrub to the skin, rinse with warm water.

The scrub can be prepared at home:

  • in order to cleanse your face, locally relieve inflammation on the skin, bleach it use a mask-scrub of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), for this terminate 2-3 tablets, add a few drops of water, mix and apply with massaging movements to the skin, after 2-3 Rinse for minutes with water;
  • 1 tbsp. Dilute the gelatin in 2 tbsp. boiling water, add 1 tbsp. Milk and 3 crushed activated coal tablets, apply the resulting solution to the skin with black dots, after drying the mask, rinse it with warm water.

The final stage is designed to close the pores. The easiest way is to wash with cold water. The best effect is achieved from the use of ice for wiping the skin. You can use pre -prepared ice cubes from herbal decoction to additionally saturate the skin with useful substances. If desired, you can apply a nourishing cream.

Do not subject the skin to temperature drops after it is cleaned for 2-3 hours to avoid irritation. The procedure of deep skin cleansing using mechanical exposure provides for the frequency: the fatter the skin, the more often it is necessary to clean it, but not more often than 1 time in 2 weeks.

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