Scrub from sea salt how to cook

Scrub from sea salt how to cook

The sea salt includes about a hundred minerals that have a positive impact on the body. With the help of a scrub made on the basis of salt, it is possible not only to improve the condition and elasticity of the skin, but also relax, remove the emotional stress. Such a scrub is nested in preparation.

Sea salt scrub

Depending on the type of skin, you can choose the components for the manufacture of the scrub:

  • To care for oily skin from lemon, press a small amount of juice, add 60 grams of salt to it (there must be a mixture similar to the paste). Then pour there with 50 ml of any fermented dairy product. After applying, it is advisable to leave a scrub for a few minutes, and then wash off with water, after which it is possible to dry the skin without using a towel and moisten it with cream.
  • To carefully clean dry and normal skin, take 15 ml of peach or olive oil, 10 grams of orange flesh, 50 grams of sea salt. All components mix and apply on wet skin. After 10 minutes, you will be able to.

Salt scrub against cellulite

Several recipes for productive control of cellulite:

  • Connect 15 ml of olive oil, 60 grams of salt, 3 ml of grapefruit and lemon essential oil, 60 grams of crushed dried orange crusts.
  • In the seaside salt in the amount of 100 grams, pour the same volume of liquid honey. This scrub feeds very well and fills the skin moisture.
  • In 100 grams of sea salt, add 50 grams of sugar and 100 ml of olive oil, smear the mixture well. If desired, instead of sugar, you can add a lemon fiber. Scrub on this recipe effectively copes with stretch marks.

Body Scrub with Sea Salt

For cleansing and body care, the following methods of manufacturing scrub are exist:

  • Cook 20 grams of oatmeal so that the porridge is not too thick. Then add 50 grams of sea salt into porridge and 15 ml of olive oil. After the bath, scraple the wet body for 5 minutes, then rinse.
  • Mix 100 grams of ground coffee with the same amount of sea salt, add 15 ml of olive oil. Instead of oil, you can add a conventional shower gel. Use the scrub on the sparkled wet skin.


Sea salt is productive not only for body care, but also behind the scalp and hair. Here are some options for cooking scrub:

  • 100 grams of salt are slightly dissolved in a glass of warm water and gently rub in order not to damage the skin. This method is suitable for all hair types.
  • 50 grams of clay to divert water and add 100 grams of sea salt to it, which you need to slightly crushed. In the resulting mass cover the scalp and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash. Scrub suitable for fatty hair type.
  • To reduce hair loss, you can cook the scrub with herbs. To do this, make a 50 gram of leaves of any grass (chamomile, sage, nettle and others). In the cooled decoction, pour 100 grams of salt. Scrub the head of the head for 5-10 minutes, then rinse the hair. If you regularly repeat this procedure suitable for all types, the hair will be significantly less falling, will become shiny and obedient.

Sea salt scrub is recommended to apply no more than 1-2 times a week. Thanks to the natural components that are part of the procedure, the procedures favorably affect the state of the skin, hair and raise the mood.

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