Nail Bath with Sea Salt

Nail Bath with Sea Salt

After vacation at sea, there is not one woman, probably noticed that the nails become beautiful and strong, cease to get out. The reason for this is not only in the rested body, but also in the positive effects of mineral salts contained in the sea water. Fortunately, in our time there is no need to rush every time on the coast. Thanks to the manufacturers of cosmetic products, sea salt can be bought in any pharmacy or supermarket and carry out all the procedures at home. About how to do it right - tell me further.

Useful qualities of nautical salt in nail care

Problems with the nail plate signals that the body formed a lack of some of the necessary micro and macro elements. As a rule, this is a lack of calcium, potassium, sodium, fluorine or iodine contained in sufficient quantities only in seafood. But the inhabitants of large cities and distant from the sea coast of the regions do not always have the opportunity to introduce expensive seafood in their daily diet, which, largely, can be replaced by the marine or ocean salt. The use of this salt to care for nails ensures their elasticity, healthy and beautiful appearance, and also contributes to rapid rust.


Simple salt bath

The simplest bath is made of natural sea salt without any additives, aromatic fragrances and impurities. You can not take a cosmetic, but a seaside salt used in food, as it is often enriched with additional vitamins and useful trace elements.

This bath is preparing like this:

  • In a deep bowl, we pour warm water (not boiling water!).
  • Singing a wooden or ceramic wand, dissolve salt in it from the calculation - 1 teaspoon on 200 ml of water.
  • Lower the tips of your fingers into the tank (you can completely hand) and keep 15-20 minutes.

As cool, you can pour hot water into a bowl so that your fingers are constantly warm. To obtain a tangible result, it is desirable to undergo a course of ten such procedures in a row.

Salt 1.

Salt Bath with Essential Oils

It is very beneficial to the state of nails and the skin of the hands, in addition to sea salt, essential oils also affect. Especially - citrus oils (lemon or orange).

The order of cooking such a nail healing bath is as follows:

  • In one teaspoon of a clean sea salt drip 5-7 drops of essential oil. No need to drop the oil directly into the water - it will not dissolve, but it will just swim on the surface in the form of fatty circles.
  • Salt oil absorbed into itself in water, the temperature of which is 37-38 degrees.
  • Immerse your hands into the solution and keep about 15 minutes.

After this procedure, each nail is desirable to lubricate with olive oil or nutritional cream.

Bath with butter

Sea salt bath with iodine

This bath is very good for laying and brittle nails, because the salt with iodine perfectly feeds and strengthens the nail plate:

  • For its preparation in the saline (1 teaspoon of salt on the bath), add 7-8 drops of iodine and stir.
  • Hands are kept in the water for at least 20 minutes, after which we swallow the soft towel and lubricate the moisturizing cream, thoroughly rubbing it into the nail bed.

Regularly applying a bath salt on the basis of nails, after 2-3 weeks you can see a positive result of your efforts: the growing marigolds will have a healthy color, the plate will become flat and smooth, ceases to get out and break from the slightest careless movement.

Comments leave a comment
Varvara 27/10/2018 at 14:03

Bath with sea salt is the best tool for nails, I regularly do it. Sometimes even with the usual salt, if the sea is not in the house. I also believe that without a normal nutrition, the nails will not be beautiful anyway. I have not yet included in the diet of the milk, greens, the flaxseed oil could not grow nails, I was still given by the Calcium Calcium from Evalar. I also advise you to wash the dishes, do other households necessarily in gloves. Then the nails will be exactly beautiful.


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